{"id":594,"date":"2016-04-13T07:01:30","date_gmt":"2016-04-13T05:01:30","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/travesiapirenaica.com\/?p=594"},"modified":"2019-01-21T19:06:06","modified_gmt":"2019-01-21T18:06:06","slug":"pirineos-lovers-aventura-jose-antonio-montesinos","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/travesiapirenaica.com\/en\/pyrenees-lovers-adventure-jose-antonio-montesinos\/","title":{"rendered":"PYRENEES LOVERS: JOS\u00c9 ANTONIO MONTESINOS"},"content":{"rendered":"


We had a coffee and chatted about the Pyrenees and adventure with our 'Pyrenees lovers'.<\/p>\n

Photography by \u00a9 \u00a9 @spainfalcon #travesiapirenaica<\/strong><\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n


Name: Jos\u00e9 Antonio Montesinos Barreno<\/em><\/h3>\n

Location: Barcelona<\/em><\/h3>\n

Dedication: Self-employed<\/em><\/h3>\n

Instagram: @<\/strong>spainfalcon<\/em><\/h3>\n



Define yourself in a tweet:<\/h3>\n

It is always difficult to define oneself, but I would say that adventurous, creative,<\/strong> passionate, fighter, optimistic...<\/p>\n

What is your favourite place in the Pyrenees and why?<\/h3>\n

Difficult question too. They are all beautiful, and I still have many places to discover. But if I had to choose one right now it would be Panticosa<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

The first time I arrived at Panticosa was at night, with the light of the full moon illuminating the whole place. I was instantly captivated, and the following day I climbed the Black Elm<\/strong> in winter only confirmed my love for this location. Fantastic.<\/p>\n

What equipment do you 'shoot' with?<\/h3>\n

With a Sony Alpha 5000<\/em> and a GoPro 4 Black<\/em>.<\/p>\n

Photography by \u00a9 \u00a9 @spainfalcon #travesiapirenaica<\/strong><\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

What can't you leave at home? What is your '...?essential<\/em>‘?<\/h3>\n

I love photography and to go to a paradisiacal place like the high mountains without my cameras... I would notice that something is missing.<\/p>\n

Give us a tip for when we go on adventures.<\/h3>\n

The most important thing is the equipment<\/strong>. Never do a sport without the right equipment, especially if they are dangerous sports. One of the reasons we go to the mountains is for the peace and quiet, because we are alone there, and that is precisely why we need to be well equipped. The nearest help can take a long time to come, and it is always good to be well equipped for any possible situation.<\/p>\n

Whatever sport you do, wear the minimum essential equipment. Safety always comes first.<\/p>\n

What are the lessons you have learned from the mountain?<\/h3>\n

Companionship, safety, climate, geography, getting to know oneself better...<\/p>\n

Photography by \u00a9 \u00a9 @spainfalcon #travesiapirenaica<\/strong><\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Recommend a film<\/h3>\n

This is my pending task, I haven't seen many mountaineering ones yet due to lack of time, but I could recommend you \".Touching the void<\/strong>\"<\/p>\n

Which person\/character inspires you and why.<\/h3>\n

Well, I don't really feel inspired by anyone, I just try to do what my heart tells me to do. We all know that in life we are just passing through, and I want to feel alive. To know that when my time comes, I will have enjoyed myself. Something like what he said Pau Escal\u00e9<\/em>the late mountaineer.<\/p>\n

What is the adventure of your life?<\/h3>\n

Phew, another difficult question. Perhaps the one I have a special memory of was in the Italian Dolomites, climbing the Pe\u00f1a Peak 3,343 m, on the Marmolada. That summer day was fantastic, 3 friends, in an unknown place, with just the right equipment, facing a thousand adventures. I think those were the days that got me hooked on this sport. Days when you feel more alive than ever before<\/strong>.<\/p>\n


