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    Alta Ruta Pirenaica Books

    High Pyrenean Route books
    High Pyrenean route. The HRP by Georges Véron

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    All the guides of the Haute Randonée Pyrénée Pyrénéenne (HRP) or Haute Randonée Pyrénéenne (HRP) to cross the Pyrenees on foot from Hendaye to Banyuls .

    To prepare for and complete the route, it will be very useful to have a paper guidebook. In this article you can consult all the guides to the Haute Route Pyrenees available to date. You will be able to see that, in addition to Veron's guide, some publishers have published different proposals of the route in which they add very interesting proposals and possible variants to the "official" route.

    Editorial: Paidotribo
    AuthorGeorges Véron / Jérôme Bonneaux
    Language: english
    ISBN-13: 978-8480190466
    Format: softcover, 196 pages
    Publication: 25 Jun 2008

    The latest edition of Georges Veron's original guide updated by Jérôme Bonneaux.

    Editorial: Ediciones Desnivel S.L.
    AuthorSergi Lara
    Language: english
    ISBN-13: 978-8498290233
    Format: softcover, 336 pages
    Publication: 11 May 2006

    Editorial: Sua edizioak; Edition
    Author: Gorka Lopez Calleja
    Language: english
    ISBN-13: 978-8482164700
    Format: softcover, 232 pages
    Publication: 2 Nov 2011

    In 2011, Gorka López (SUA edizioak) brought out his own version of the ARP, more direct, harder. In some areas it bears little resemblance to Véron's original.

    EditorialThe world of the Pyrenees
    CollectionThe world of the Pyrenees. Special Issue
    Language: english
    ISBN-13: 978-8482164625
    Format: softcover, 148 pages
    Publication: 1 Jun 2011

    Same route as the previous one, this time for a special issue of the magazine El Mundo de los Pirineos.

    Editorial: Cicerone
    Language: English
    ISBN-13: 978-1852849818
    Format: softcover, 244 pages
    Publication: 19 April 2019

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