Brushes and canisters
We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the third edition of the competition: High Altitude Storieswe let you enjoy with "Brushes and canisters"by Emilio Mateos Ortega.
Brushes and canisters
-by Emilio Mateos Ortega-.
He couldn't remember when his grandfather first took him to the mountains, but he did remember that it was his grandfather who gave him the first taste of heights.
Those were the years when he combined his studies at high school and then university with trips to the cliffs and ravines, carrying all that junk equipment, ropes and sandwiches in his backpack, which he continued to share with the old man for a few years.
Everything changed with time; the old man was no longer around, but the activity he had developed meant that harnesses, ropes, carabiners, eights, IDs and, of course, helmets were still part of his life. These years at the Faculty of Fine Arts had moulded his appetite; now, with a tall colleague, he structured the façade to be painted, hanging from a good installation.
- Paco, pass me the brushes and the pots, this mural is going to look great!
Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!