The Angel of Death

Tall Tales III The Angel of Death

We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the third edition of the competition: High Altitude Storieswe let you enjoy with "The Angel of Death"by Pablo García Blanco.

The mountain angel

-by Pablo García Blanco-

There I was, lying naked, freezing cold, shivering unsteadily in an operating theatre surrounded by strangers, staring at me and anxiously waiting for the minute I asked for to be up before my favourite moment of the operation.

I wanted to sleep peacefully enjoying another kind of icy cold and another kind of discomfort.

I had had a month to make up my mind, but the fear of finding an answer I didn't like didn't let me choose.

Or I chose to go to sleep to receive an explanation of a chronicle of a death foretold; March, with 100 km/h gusts in the spittoon, just waiting to see him in my sleep to check what was going through his head that day, or I chose a quiet ascent of the Garmo Negro, listening to my crampons and ice axe on the snow, accompanied by the silence that gives us so much peace.

I decided to befriend death and not fight it.