The question
We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the third edition of the competition: High Altitude Storieswe let you enjoy with "The question"by Borja Azcárraga Testor.
The question
-by Borja Azcárraga Testor-.
I made the decision to break off our journey 1 km from the refuge, after 2 hours of walking.
I used to measure the quality of the routes by the amount of "fuck, that's nice" or "fuck, that's great" I said. And this one had a good bag of "joderes".
We had been going out together for 4 months and it was the first time that he finally accompanied me to the Pyrenees. He opened his mouth a few times, basically to confirm some of my "joderes" with a simple "yes" between gasps.
It was at a crossroads, one marked with the red and white bars in parallel and the other with the same bars crossed in a crosshair.
He was contemplating that two-coloured "X" when he asked the question. The question he should never have asked in a place like that:
-Hey, how much longer?
At that moment I decided that I should not continue on any path with this person.
Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!