Tuca de Llardaneta

Tuca de Llardaneta, Tuqueta Roya and the Posets / Photo: Montfranc (Wikimedia Commons)
Tuca de Llardaneta, Tuqueta Roya and the Posets / Photo: Montfranc (Wikimedia Commons)

 Height: 3311m


Aragonese Pyrenees, between the valleys of Chistaú and Benasque.

When to go:

From mid-June to mid-October.

Difficulties of the route:

- Long and steep ascent in the high mountains. Possible snowy sections, especially on the northern ascent route.

Complicated sections:

- It is normal to spend the night in the Ángel Orús refuge and start the ascent from there.
- The snowfield in the corridor of the ascent on the northern slope: it is necessary to adapt to the state of the snow and ice, which fluctuates with the weather.

Recommended equipment:

Ice axe and crampons recommended.
- Waterproof shoes, and gaiters appreciated.
- Very useful walking sticks.
- Belt and rope for the aforementioned step.
- Sunglasses and sunscreen.