
Argualas, Gamo Negro, Picos del Infierno / Photo: Centelleja (Flickr)
Argualas, Gamo Negro, Picos del Infierno / Photo: Centelleja (Flickr)

 Height: 3,044 m


Aragonese Pyrenees, head of the Panticosa valley.

When to go:

From the beginning of June to the end of October.

Difficulties of the route:

Good physical preparation is required and attention must be paid to some of the steps in the final stretch.

Complicated sections:

- On the ridge leading to the summit it is necessary to climb.

Recommended equipment:

Ice axe and crampons almost indispensable at the beginning of the season.
- Waterproof shoes, and gaiters appreciated.
- Sunglasses and sunscreen.