Fundamental steps to get your ski mountaineering equipment ready for ski mountaineering
During the winter months and part of the spring, ski equipment often suffers considerable wear and tear due to the continuous activity to which they are subjected. However, once the season is over, it is common to leave them in the garage or basement abandoned until next year. However, once the season is over, it is common to leave them in the garage or basement until next year. the materials of skis and boots wear out and need to be checked before re-use.. Next, we will inform you about the most basic tips to carry out the best ski tuning, and to be able to enjoy them in complete safety. The care and repairs that should be done do not require great knowledge, although if you are not sure if you are doing it right, it is advisable to ask for help from an expert in the field.
Check the fixings
Firstly, it is necessary to ensure that the ski bindings are securely fastened to the boot. All you need to do is put the boot on and fix it to the ski. If after a few movements the boot does not come out of its place, it is a sign that the bindings are in good condition. If the result is the opposite, it is mandatory to change them, as losing a ski while skiing can be a serious problem.
Repairing scratches
The repair of skis starts with the repair of the sole. It is very common to have scratches on the sole due to rubbing against stones or other elements. In order to repair them correctly, it is necessary to cofixwhich is a kind of plastic rope. With the help of a lighter, one end of the cofix is heated, and drops are poured on top of the zest, in order to cover the hole. It is advisable not to pour drops on top of each other, and to spread it over the whole surface of the grated surface. Once the wax dries, use a metal spatula to remove the remaining excess. This way the sole will be flat and will glide better in the snow.
Filing the edges
The ski edgesThe corners, i.e. the corners, are exposed to knocks and rubbing against stones when skiing. To make them smooth, it is necessary to use a file, tweezers and an angle. The file will smooth out all the friction on the edges. However, it is very difficult to file the whole surface, by eye, on a 90 degree angle. This is why we use the angle and the clamp to help us. Hold the file against the angle with the clamp and make constant strokes to file the entire surface of the edges in the same way. After several passes, it is advisable to wipe with a piece of paper or a cloth to remove any shavings that have formed.
Cleaning the soles
In order to clean all the impurities from the sole, we will use a special solvent Do not dry the sole of the ski. Apply this solvent to a rag and carefully wipe the sole. This way we will clean all the shavings that may have remained, the remains of used seal skins and the remains of the dirty water from the snow. Once the sole has been cleaned, the ski will be ready for the next step.
Waxing skis
With the help of a iron and a special wax The skis shall then be waxed. There are different types of waxes which melt at higher or lower temperatures. When the iron is hot enough and the wax starts to drip, we will apply the wax drops all over the sole of the ski, but without exaggerating. With the iron, we will gradually cover the entire sole to make a homogeneous layer over the entire surface. However, it is not advisable to leave the iron in contact with the soleplate for too long, as the soleplate may overheat. Once the wax has been applied, let the ski cool down. When we put our hand on the upper part of the ski, the opposite side to the sole, and we notice that the temperature has gone down, we will scrape the sole. With the help of a plastic scraper We will scrape the sole to remove any excess wax. It is advisable that the scraper is well sharpened, and that the passes are firm so that the finish is as expected. The better the ski is waxed, the better the seal skins adhere to the sole - in the case of touring skis - and the greater the safety.
Check the batons
With the skis already prepared, it is necessary to check other elements that will be useful during our activity. The poles are essential for skiing, so it is essential to check that they are in good condition and in good working order. It is necessary to pay attention to the tip to make sure that it is not broken, as it can break quite easily when it hits a stone. It is also important to check that the rosette it does not have any cracks, because if it does, it could break after a short time of starting.
Check sealskins
Finally, the condition of sealskins needs to be checked. The good condition of the seal skin is of prime necessity, as safety and physical integrity are at stake.. If you see that your skins are already discoloured and worn don't hesitate to change them. Snow sticks more difficult on a new skin, so it is much safer. On the other hand, you should make sure that the anchoring of the skin is correct. In addition, the sealskin must be waxed. With a wax rub the whole part that will be in contact with the snow. Always rub in the same direction as the hairs.
By following these tips before you start your ski season, your activity will become safer, and you won't have any regrets afterwards. However, remember that the review of the materials has to be constantand should not be limited to once a year. Remember that prevention is better than cure.
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