At first glance, signs

Tall tales II: At first glance, signals
Tall tales II: At first glance, signals

We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the second edition of the competition: High Altitude StoriesWe let you enjoy "A primera vista, señales", by Antonio Gómez Entrena.

At first glance, signs

-by Antonio Gómez Entrena

In the mountains, signs are not to be ignored:

When the weather forecast is clearly adverse for the whole week. Signal

Your friends fade from the list of participants. Signal

Access to the slopes has been closed due to an avalanche. Signal

You change the activity but the terrain is not suitable because the ground is muddy. Signal

Once you start the ascent of a small mountain, you will find small puddles which are getting bigger and bigger. Sign

On the road it is necessary to leave the road because parts of it are flooded. Sign

Finally you stop your ascent. A waterfall has formed on the path that prevents you from passing. Last sign

On the way back, you decide to stop for a bite to eat and see your partner, sandwich in hand, slip on a rock, fall to the ground and faint from the pain caused by the broken coccyx on impact. Evidence