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    Back to the rock

    High altitude stories II Back to the rock

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    We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the second edition of the competition: High Altitude Storieswe let you enjoy with "Back to the rock"by Enric Sola Alonso.

    Back to the rock

    -by Enric Sola Alonso

    There is a brief gap between the sound of the alarm clock and the moment when I remember why I get up at six o'clock to go to a job I loathe. Then I remember that I have plans for the weekend. The early start will be the same, but I'll trade the alienation of the office for the complicity that only comes with your climbing partner; the cheap suit for hundreds of euros worth of climbing gear. My whole life makes sense for those few hours of tension where I laugh with contempt at the fragility of my existence. Song by song I rise to become a better version of myself: no fear, no doubt, no pain.

    I'm rappelling back to reality, to the road that leads me back home. It doesn't matter,
    every step I take is one step closer to getting back to the rock.

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