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    Where dreams sleep

    High Altitude Stories II Where Dreams Sleep

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    We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the second edition of the competition: High Altitude StoriesWe leave you to enjoy "Donde duermen los sueños", by Oriol Bombardó Rosiñol.

    Where dreams sleep

    -by Oriol Bombardó Rosiñol-.

    The sun was beginning to bathe with light the great plateau where the lodges. The strong night wind had blown through the fragile windows, covering our sacks with sand and dust. The water in the canteens was freezing. In the dining room, the wooden floor, polished by the passage of thousands of boots, creaked under our feet. Breakfast was uneven: bread with honey for some, lentil soup for the wiser ones. The walk begins, a zigzag of stone and ice until we reach a sea of longing, the base camp of the history of mountaineering.

    And the road ended there, where the dreams of so many slept. Ours, too.

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