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    The highest peak in each province.

    Gorbeia (1482m). Top of Alava/Araba and Vizcaya/Bizkaia.

    Pyrenees and mountains 📩

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    Climbing the highest peak in each province is one of those challenges that many of us have set ourselves at some time or another.

    It usually happens that over the years the main peaks of each mountain range fall and with them, many of the provincial peaks. At first the Aneto, the Pica d'Estats, Mulhacen, Torrecerredo, Almanzor... and so on up to 15, 20, 25... However, there comes a time when things stop and if it is not because we have set ourselves the challenge of climbing them all, we will hardly reach a good handful of them, the most distant or least interesting from a mountaineering point of view.

    At this point, the first thing to do is to find out what the provincial ceiling is, not without some confusion in some cases, as was the case in Teruel, Cantabria, Gran Canaria and a few others.

    Here we have based ourselves on the list published by José Martinez Hernández in his book: Los Techos de España. An updated edition in 2018 of that first book published in 1999, and in which in addition to describing the ascent routes to each of them, a great deal of research work has been carried out to determine the true provincial ceiling. Just look at how the original list has changed from the current one.

    50 provinces - 45 mountains

    Alava / ArabaGorbeia1.482m
    AlbaceteLas Cabras / La Atalaya2.083m
    Alicante / AlacantAitana1.557m
    AlmeriaChullo / El Chullo2.612m
    Asturias / AsturiesTorrecerredo / Cerredo Tower2.650m
    AvilaAlmanzor / Almanzor Peak2.591m
    BadajozCerro de Tentudía1.112m
    Baleares / Illes BalearsPuig Mayor / Puig Major de Son Torrella1.436m
    BarcelonaPic de Costa Cabirolera / Pic del Migdia2.604m
    BurgosSan Millán2.131m
    CáceresEl Torreón2.400m
    CadizEl Torreón1.654m
    CantabriaWhite Tower2.617m
    Castellón / CastellóPenyagolosa / Peñagolosa1.815m
    Ciudad RealWest Love1.375m
    CordobaLa Tiñosa1.568m
    BasinCerro Mogorrita / Mogorrita Hill1.864m
    Gerona / GironaPuigpedrós / Puigpedrós de Campcardós2.914m
    GuadalajaraWolf Peak / Lobo2.274m
    Guipuzcoa / GipuzkoaAitxuri / Aitz-Zuri1.551m
    HuelvaCumbre de los Bonales / Los Bonales Hills1.053m
    HuescaAneto / Aneto Peak3.404m
    La Coruña / A CoruñaPilar803m
    La RiojaSan Lorenzo2.271m
    Las PalmasMorrón de la Agujereada1.960m
    LeonTorrecerredo / Cerredo Tower2.650m
    Lérida / LleidaPica d'Estats / Pique d'Estats3.152m
    LugoEl Mustallar / Mostallar Peak1.934m
    MalagaLa Tejeda / La Maroma2.069m
    MurciaOvispo / Revolcadores2.014m
    Navarra / NafarroaTable of the Three Kings / Hiru Erregeen Mahaia2.446m
    Orense / OurenseTrevinca Rock2.127m
    PalenciaPeña Prieta South / Peña del Infierno2.537m
    SalamancaCanchal de la Ceja2.428m
    Santa Cruz de TenerifeTeide3.715m
    SoriaPeak of Moncayo / Peak of San Miguel2.314m
    TarragonaCaro / Mont Caro1.442m
    ToledoRocigalgo Hill1.449m
    Valencia / ValènciaAlto de las Barracas / Calderón1.838m
    Vizcaya / BizkaiaGorbeia1.482m
    ZamoraTrevinca Rock2.127m
    ZaragozaPeak of Moncayo / Peak of San Miguel2.314m


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