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    The Primitive Way of Saint James

    Pyrenees and mountains 📩

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    The essentials

    • El Camino "
    • Practical guide "
    • The route: the Primitive Way "
    • What they never told you about the Camino Primitivo "

    El Camino

    Santiago de Compostela, whose cathedral houses the relics of St. James, was one of the three great Catholic pilgrimage centres of the Middle Ages. In modern times the Caminos de Santiago have seen a resurgence in popularity, attracting walkers for all sorts of reasons. Passing through the Spanish regions of the Basque Country, Cantabria, Asturias and Galicia, the northern routes are popular enough to offer sufficient facilities, clear routes and a community of pilgrims, without suffering the overcrowding of the French Way.

    An alternative is the Primitive Waywhich starts from the North in Sebrayo, near Oviedo, for the next 355 km. This route crosses the interior of the Cantabrian Mountains and includes some significant climbs and descents.

    Practical guide

    The guide is divided into stages of between 15 and 35 km, most of which end in a town or village with a pilgrim hostel. There is indispensable information on facilities, food and accommodation, 1:1000 scale maps of the route and town maps for key locations. With notes on preparation and planning, travel and equipment, a list of useful sources of information and a glossary, the book provides everything you need to know to walk the Camino.

    • Signage, route planning and maps
    • Descriptions of the many historic shrines, churches, towns and cities visited.
    • Preparation and planning
    • How to get there and back
    • Recommended equipment
    • Accommodation, information on each pilgrims' hostel.
    • Food
    • Postal services
    • Phones

    When to go?

    Summer/late spring/early autumn are best, due to the weather and the fact that most accommodation closes in winter.


    Although some stages of the Caminos can be very physically demanding, the Caminos are very accessible to any walker, as it is often possible to break difficult stages into shorter sections. Luggage transport services are available for walkers who need support.

    The route: Primitive Way

    How have we planned the stages?

    • Stage 1 Sebrayo to Pola de Siero
    • Stage 2 Pola de Siero to Oviedo
    • Stage 3 Oviedo to San Juan de Villapañada
    • Stage 4 San Juan de Villapañada to Bodenaya
    • Stage 5 Bodenaya to Campiello
    • Stage 6 Campiello to Berducedo
    • Stage 7 Berducedo to Grandas de Salime
    • Stage 8 Grandas de Salime to A Fonsagrada
    • Stage 9 A Fonsagrada to Cádavo Baleira
    • Stage 10 Cádavo Baleira to Lugo
    • Stage 11 Lugo to As Seixas
    • Stage 12 As Seixas to Arzúa
    • Primitive Roads LinkNorthOviedo to Avilés

    The other routes of the Camino, such as the French Way, English Way" y North Road" are alternative routes from the Pyrenees to Santiago.

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