Pyrenean Triple Crown
In the Pyrenees there are three long-distance footpaths that cross the mountain range from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean or vice versa: GR11-Pyrenean Path, GR10 French and the High Pyrenean Route. At the end of the three long-distance trails you get the recognition of the Pyrenean Triple Crown.
GR11: The Spanish Trans-Pyrenees
It is perhaps one of the most popular Trans-Pyrenean routes in the Pyrenees. The GR11 is about 850 kilometres long, has about 42,000 metres of positive height gain and is divided into 46 stages. This may vary according to the variants selected and by the source that designs the stages.
As it is the Spanish Trans-Pyrenees Crossing, it runs along the southern slopes of the Pyrenees. The starting and finishing points are the Cape Higuer lighthouse and the Cap de Creus lighthouse.
High Pyrenean Route
Popularly, it is known by its acronym of HRP, which stands for Haute Randonée Pyrénéenne and its Spanish translation would be, Alta Ruta Pirenaica, can also carry its Spanish acronym, ARP.
It is around 750 kilometres long and is divided into 41 stages. The Trans-Pyrenees is the most demanding of them all and the one that runs at the highest altitude along the trail. It accumulates some 45,000 metres of positive height gain and is the trail with the fewest services for hikers looking for a warm refuge.
It is also one of the Trans-Pyrenees with the most variants and, depending on the publisher, the trail may be very different from the most popular and travelled trail of the Frenchman Georges Veron.
A special feature of this trans-Pyrenean route is that it crosses the Pyrenees by the shortest possible route and therefore constantly crosses from one country to another. The starting and finishing points are Hendaye and Banyuls, although the Cap de Higuer lighthouse and the Cap de Creus lighthouse are also valid points of reference.
GR10: The French Trans-Pyrénéen Route
The GR10 crosses the Pyrenees on the northern side. It is known as the Trans-Pyrenees
French, because it mainly takes place in France, although it has some points of the
The composition of the Pyrenees means that this path between the Pyrenees and the
temporarily in Spain.
It is the longest trans-Pyrenean crossing with the greatest accumulated height gain, totalling 880m.
kilometres and some 50,000 metres of positive height gain. It is divided into 42-47 stages depending on the publisher. The starting and finishing points are Hendaye and Banyuls.
The meritocracy of the Pyrenean Triple Crown
📋 The "Pyrenean Triple Crown is a concept inspired by the renowned "Triple Crown"The Triple Crown is a challenge to complete three of the most iconic long-distance treks in the United States. The American Triple Crown is a challenge that involves completing three of the country's most iconic long-distance routes: the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), the Appalachian Trail (TA) and the Continental Divide Trail (CDT). These trails total more than 12,000 kilometres through some of the most breathtaking scenery in North America.
Taking this prestigious challenge as a reference, we have coined the term "Triple Crown of the Pyrenees" to highlight the three main long-distance routes that cross the Pyrenees: the GR11 (Pyrenean Path), the GR10 (French Trans-Pyrenees) and the High Pyrenean Route (ARP/HRP).. Completing these three routes, which together amount to 2,480 kilometres and 132,000 metres of positive difference in altitude.offers adventurers the opportunity to explore in depth both the northern and southern slopes, and the higher altitude trails, of this majestic mountain range.
Quick Guide GR 11
with everything you need to know before undertaking the Pyrenean Path
Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!