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    ❓We are looking for this place #174

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    Let's continue the challenge! Every week we look for a place in the Pyrenees. By observing the photograph and with the help of the clues, are you able to find out which place is the one we are looking for? If you want to take part by sending us a place, you can send us your pictures together with the clues and the solution to the email address of Each week we will choose one for publication.

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    We are looking for this place #174:

    This week's search was sent to us by Llorenç Pinsach (@llorencpe), a well-known mountain in the Eastern Pyrenees which, due to its proximity and easy access from the large Catalan city, has been for many generations of hikers the scene of their first contact with the high Pyrenean mountains. Let's take a look at the clues that Llorenç sends us.


    1. This mountain is located in the "Parc Natural de les capçaleres del Ter i el Freser" in the Eastern Pyrenees (Girona).
    2. Together with its younger brother, it forms part of a small massif that closes off the Ulldeter cirque to the south.
    3. Although the most accessible ascent route is on its west face, its eastern slope makes it the most attractive peak in the area.

    If you want to know the answer subscribe to the newsletterEvery week we publish the solution and launch a new challenge, do you dare?

    The week before:

    We are looking for this place #172:

    Recognizable, isn't it? This perfect pyramid of vertiginous edges is one of the great Pyrenean peaks and that, despite...


    1. If not a three thousand by a few tens of metres.
    2. That his first ascent 200 years ago was by mistake.
    3. Or that its name ended up being assigned in Spanish cartography, also by mistake, to a neighbouring mountain, and that in the end it has remained the name of a shepherds' hut.

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