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    Trekking in the Sibylline Mountains

    Sibylline Mountains, Italy / Photo: lil serie a (unsplash)
    Sibylline Mountains, Italy / Photo: lil serie a (unsplash)

    Pyrenees and mountains 📩

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    The Sibillini Mountains stretch between the Marche and Umbria, near the towns of Norcia, Ascoli Piceno, L'Aquila and Perugia. Little known to foreign visitors, they offer interesting, colourful areas, canyons that run into the mountain slopes, accessible ridges with breathtaking views and more than 50 peaks, many of them over 2,000 metres high.

    The wonderful and varied landscapes of the Sibillini are accessible at any time of the year. There are leisurely walks through flowery meadows and trails down mysterious canyons, vertiginous high ridge itineraries and a plethora of hikers' peaks. Thanks to the dedication of nature lovers and environmentalists, in 1993 this wonderland finally became the 700 square kilometre Sibylline Mountains National Park.


    Practical guide

    When to go?

    The area has a long trekking season, from early spring to late autumn. Huts are open from mid-April to mid-October; weekends in August and summer are very busy; the highest ridges can have snow until June; it's best to hike in winter on snowshoes or cross-country skis with a local guide.

    Not to be missed

    • Sibillini National Park
    • The Grande Anello dei Sibillini, 8 days of trekking through the Sibylline Mountains
    • Monte Vettore
    • Mount Sibilla
    • Grand Piano
    • Mount Bove

    Cities & Services

    The Sibylline Mountains in the Apennines of Italy are easily accessible from the Adriatic coast: Ancona, Pescara and Rimini, and from Rome's two airports. All have bus connections to the train stations.

    Amandola, Balzo, Castelluccio, Norcia, Norcia, Nursia, Preci, Castelsantangelo, Visso, Ancona, Pescara, Perugia.

    Grande Anello Dei Sibillini (G.A.S.)

    • Stage 1 Visso a Cupi
    • Stage 2 Cupi to Fiastra
    • Stage 3 Fiastra to Garulla
    • Stage 4 Garulla to Rubbiano
    • Stage 5 Rubbiano to Colle di Montegallo
    • Stage 6 Colle di Montegallo to Colle le Cese
    • Stage 7 Colle le Cese a Campi Vecchio
    • Stage 8 Campi Vecchio to Visso


    / Fiastrone Valley / Fiastrone Lake and the Lame Rosse / Cascate dell'Acquasanta / Bolognola Nature Trail / Upper Ambro Valley / Val di Panico and Pizzo Tre Vescovi / Monte Priora / The Circuit of Monte Bove / Gole dell'Infernaccio / Circuit of Monte Bove and Palazzo Borghese / Nocelleto a Forca di Gualdo / Nocelleto a Forca di Gualdo / Preci and Sant'Eutizio / Preci and Sant'Eutizio / Monte Patino / Foce and Pizzo di Pilato / Foce and Monte Sibilla / Monte Porche and Palazzo Borghese / Nocelleto a Forca di Gualdo / Preci and Sant'Eutizio / Monte Patino / Foce and Lago di Pilato / Castelluccio a Lago di Pilato / Monte Vettore / Monte delle Rose / Castelluccio and the Piano Grande / The Dogana / I Pantani /

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