Now, more than ever, we need your support

We wake up every day with the purpose to inspire, to show that another life is possible through exploration, mountains, travel and adventure. We offer all kinds of open content, free of charge, but it is not cheap to produce.

That is why we ask you to invite us for at least one coffee or beer a month.. The content will remain open, but we need support to continue creating.

Support Travesía Pirenaica

Will you buy us a beer?

Content is "free but not cheap". If you enjoy it, you can support the project and invite us for a coffee or a glass of beer. to help us continue to create. Thank you 🙂


Why we need you

We want to create a community of patrons that they support us, that they invite us for a coffee every month, and that all these "coffees" allow us to think about other actions, events, which will undoubtedly bring us closer together as a community and make the project grow.

Guides trans-Pyrenees

Keeping guides such as the GR11, ARP or the French GR10 up to date has a high cost.

Weekly Newsletter

The Travesía newsletter is a product in itself; producing it every week is costly.


Every week we produce new content, and we want to bring you the best experts talking about these routes and information.

New formats

Stories, videos, the mountain and the great routes in the Pyrenees can be transmitted in many ways. Some need a bigger budget.

Any questions? Write to us.

Very simple.

On this same page you will have seen that we have inserted some buttons that say "contribute with Google". If you click on one of them, a box pops up that allows you to choose the contribution. you want to make or change to a one-off contribution.

These boxes may also have appeared to you while surfing the web.

Yes, of course.

Just as you are free to support us. You can cancel at any time and very easily.

We explain here how to do it. If you have any problems doing this, please write to us.

The contribution is made through Google. To cancel the monthly contribution you simply go to "Google payment centreClick on "Subscriptions and services" and click on "Manage on Crossing".

In this image you will see it more clearly.