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    Ascent of La Mesa de los Tres Reyes (Hiru Errege Mahaia), between Aragon, France and Navarre.

    Ascent to the Mesa de los Tres Reyes / Photo: Eduardo Azcona
    Ascent to the Mesa de los Tres Reyes / Photo: Eduardo Azcona

    Pyrenees and mountains 📩

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    This is an excursion to take it easy and enjoy. The route takes approximately eight hours (round trip), including stops, and there is a difference in altitude of 1,104 m to overcome.

    The road begins at the Linza Hut  (Ansó-Zuriza Valley), at an altitude of 1,340 metres. Head northeast to cross the river over the wooden bridge. You will see that the path is recognisable, it is a well-known and well-trodden path, which, if you complete it, offers spectacular mountain scenery.

    The path runs mostly through green meadows, where if you do the route after the thaw, you will see the snowdrifts resting at a very low altitude, which you will certainly have to cross closer to the summit. After about an hour's walk you have to cross a rocky area, after which you follow the path that leads you to the Coll de Linza mountain passwhere you continue to the left along a path that descends to go around the Hollas de la Solana.

    The path begins to ascend. After overcoming a stream we continue to the right, we reach the edge of the limestone formation where the path forks, we take the path to the right that climbs up a steep slope crossing a rocky terrain - karstic area. The path is marked by numerous milestones. Little by little we gain height, advancing through a valley until we reach the pass between the Table and Budoguia. The path runs along the ridge. We have ascended, the terrain has become stony and we have had to cross a snowdrift, but the landscape we contemplate is worth it.

    We are in Navarre territory, on its highest peak, where we find symbols of the land such as a model of the Castle of Javier and a statue of Saint Francis Xavier. From here it is easy to let your imagination run wild, a meeting point between the kingdoms of Aragon, Navarre and the Viscounty of Béarn.

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