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    A day that will last for years

    Relatos de Altura I: A day that will last for years

    Pyrenees and mountains in your email

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    We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the first edition of the competition: High Altitude StoriesWe let you enjoy "Un día que durará años", by María Teresa Pariente Aylagas..

    A day that will last for years

    -by María Teresa Pariente Aylagas-.

    A few eternal seconds of blissful solitude at the top of that eight-thousandth peak were cut short when a heart-rending scream pierced my soul. I turned around and Pasang was gone, a huge but fragile ledge had taken him away.
    I don't really know how I got out of there, I just know that my father somehow stood by me and hugged me. That embrace charged me with life, a life I was not willing to lose now.
    The news of his death on the same day I had made the summit provided the answer to all my questions.
    So I decided to stay there and build a small school at an altitude of over 4000 m and surrounded by the most beautiful mountains in the world called "Pasang".
    Like my father and Pasang did for me, I decided to give my life to help those children turn their dreams into reality.
    And meanwhile, the mountains are still there, now more than ever they are part of my days, and every day, when I wake up, I feel their call, and I know that when I am ready I will answer it?

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