Echoes of light

Tall tales II Echoes of light

We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the second edition of the competition: High Altitude Storieswe let you enjoy "Ecos de luz", by Josep Arlandis Forés.

Echoes of light

-by Josep Arlandis Forés-.

His steps slowed in the face of a blizzard that defied the shining sun of the Pyrenees. He regulated his pace and repudiated fatigue until he found it. Once inside, he found solitude caressing the meagre furnishings, chewed by abandonment. The gloom of the hut sank his hopes.

Then he looked out and discovered something extraordinary. The landscape was enraptured by the wavering hues of the valley. Forests and rivers proudly spread their existence. Meadows and rocks harmonised their splendour, ruled by snowy peaks greedy for the sky.

It didn't take him long to understand. He had fought against the darkness of his refuge. He had broken the chains of affliction and broken down the wall of bricked-up beliefs that enclosed his mind. Now, with the weather calmed, it revealed a territory stripped of false fears, enflamed by the light of the mountains. And he knew that, in the mountains, the echoes of his own conscience resounded.