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    Tall tales II Llebeig

    Pyrenees and mountains 📩

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    We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the second edition of the competition: High Altitude StoriesWe let you enjoy "Llebeig", by David Blasco Aguilar.


    -by David Blasco Aguilar

    Latitude: 39o, 41', 0'' -^-^- Longitude: 0o, 22', 0''

    Coordinates fixed on a map: 3, 2, 1... go ahead.

    The soles of the boots resound with a "crack" after every stone.

    We go through hills of farm tracks and paths, between carob trees and pine forests looking for that "click" (Disconnection).

    Everybody's land and nobody's land.

    We walk along its slopes, footprint after footprint, keeping our eyes peeled so as not to miss any detail.

    What is it that fascinates us? 593 metres from the ground to the summit, crossing GRS and rocky slopes, with rock walls, obstructing our way to the edge of ravines and crevasses drawn on the slopes.

    An escape from the city, like a good book that, when you finish the last page, makes you breathe hard and fills you with life.

    Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!

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