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    Point of view

    Tall tales II Point of view

    Pyrenees and mountains 📩

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    We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the second edition of the competition: High Altitude Storieswe let you enjoy with "Point of view"by Patxi Xabier Latorre Hurtado.

    Point of view

    -by Patxi Xabier Latorre Hurtado-.

    He turned around and saw the same disappointment in his eyes. This is what they call a lake? This is what all this effort is for? The unusually warm summer they had begun to loathe was not to blame; even in better conditions, this would have been no more than a common pond. At least the scenery had provided them with beautiful images all the way. But it would have been so nice to put the icing on the cake... While she was busy looking for a sufficiently flat stone to sit on, he took a few steps forward as if trying to make sense of the place. It occurred to him that... After a hundred metres he had gone round it far enough for the modest sheet of water to provide him with the answer. La Mesa, Petrechema with its spires and Sobarcal, as well as a string of cottony-looking clouds, were looking at themselves in that mirror that had suddenly exchanged the dirty green for a luminous blue. Great.

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