Sweet dream
We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the second edition of the competition: High Altitude Storieswe let you enjoy "Dulce sueño", by Matías Gisbert Vivó.
Sweet dream
-by Matías Gisbert Vivó-.
After losing my companions in the dense fog, I wandered aimlessly through the mountain until my strength failed, then, I decided to sit down and wait for the weather to improve, I watched the snowflakes fall on my body, and so, hypnotised by this image I entered a kind of trance, they say that you remember your whole life when you see imminent death, in my case I only remember a sweet dream, I suppose that the exhaustion from the attempt to the summit in those terrible weather conditions and the lethargy due to hypothermia helped me to feel, instead of feeling cold, danger, loneliness, a tranquillity, a serenity, an inner peace that seemed like I was at home with my family, that state of such placid tranquillity was cut short by the resounding noise of the rotors of the rescue helicopter.
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