The trophic circle
We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the second edition of the competition: High Altitude StoriesWe let you enjoy "El círculo trófico", by Mar Garcia Valero.
The trophic circle
-by Mar Garcia Valero
From afar, I silhouette him stealthily. Hours later I am walking. I notice that time and distance are different. It didn't look that long from below... but what a view from here. I stop in front of the stream and behind the tree I see the deer that has accompanied me since the first ascent. It looks, alert, at the eagle flying overhead. In tune. It reminds me how circular nature is. I see the eagle swoop straight down like an arrow to bite the deer's antlers, which crashes into a sapling and falls. I turn my gaze to the rock where the eagle has lost its direction and bounced into the water. Maybe the circle doesn't always fit the way it touches. Maybe I wouldn't have gone out into the forest today. Maybe it's all right. Simplicity.
Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!