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    Tall tales III Jambo

    Pyrenees and mountains 📩

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    We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the third edition of the competition: High Altitude Storieswe let you enjoy with "Jambo"by Miguel Hernández Muñoz.


    -by Miguel Hernández Muñoz

    -Come on, come on, come on! -Geoffrey pleaded, seeing that the ten minutes of courtesy had already passed. He knew very well that the rain was going to be with us throughout the day.

    The four days of trekking had left us with some magnificent images, but our objective was not visible. The clouds that form around it, giving it that ghostly appearance, had prevented us from glimpsing how majestic the volcano was.

    With little difficulty but completely wet, we arrived at the camp. The tents already set up, a thermos with hot water and a tea bag to warm us up.

    -Julio, get out of the tent! You're going to freak out. There he stood at our feet, like a giant glaring at you, his white skirts contrasting with the ever-blackening sky. Kibo had shown his face.

    The next day, it would be us who would look out over the absolute immensity from the top.

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