Wanting to come back but without leaving here

Relatos de altura III Desiring to return but without leaving here

We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the third edition of the competition: High Altitude Storieswe let you enjoy with "Wanting to come back but without leaving here"by Francesc Eugeni Rul-lan Solana.

Wanting to come back but without leaving here

-by Francesc Eugeni Rul-lan Solana-.

The earth spinning so fast and up here everything is so still.

Unabashed and without a cloud to cover its beauty, the moon has begun its night today when the sun still paints the sky blue and orange. I feel like yesterday in the forest, oscillating between euphoria and melancholy: wanting to return but without leaving here, wanting to finish but without this ending.

I breathe in consciously to fill myself with everything I see, smell, touch and feel, as if I could keep it inside. My skin stands up like mountain grass and two fine streams flow from my eyes.

And then I think of you, Sira, and I tell the sky that I love you from one end of this beautiful valley to the other.

Written on 17 August 2021 at Refugi de l'Illa,
30 days after leaving Cape Higuer for the Mediterranean