

 Height: 2764m


Aragonese Pyrenees, Tena Valley, with the starting point at Ibón de Piedrafita, near Tramacastilla de Tena.

When to go:

From mid-June to the end of October.

Difficulties of the route:

Medium difficulty.

Complicated sections:

  • Corridor: halfway up we have to ascend through a corridor, which is complicated if there is snow.
  • Snowdrifts: between the corridor and the final chimney there are some exposed steps, dangerous if there are snowdrifts. - Final chimney: easy to climb, but dangerous if there is snow.

Recommended equipment:

  • Ice axe and crampons as a precautionary measure and at the beginning of the season.
  • Appropriate footwear, and gaiters appreciated.
  • Very useful walking sticks.
  • Sunglasses and sunscreen.