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    The importance of consulting the meteorology in the mountains

    consult the mountain weather

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    Are you aware of the importance of the weather in our mountain outings? Without a doubt, this is a key aspect because the weather will determine whether you can carry out your activity in the best conditions.

    That is why in this content, we have prepared a complete guide with everything you need to learn how to consult the weather in the mountains.

    Keep in mind that knowing certain key aspects for the planning and development of our activity in the mountainswill help us to enjoy our outing in the best conditions, minimising risks.

    First of all, it is important to know how different weather factors can affect your stay in the mountains.

    Thus, rain means a greater risk of getting wet and the danger of slipping. Wind, on the other hand, causes great discomfort and a greater risk of falling, and the sun can cause dehydration or heat stroke.

    Consulting the mountain weather is a key part of the planning phase.

    You already know that planning is a very important part of the preparation for any mountain activity. The The best planning is achieved with a good knowledge of the weather conditions.

    In this way, it will be necessary to know how many days a forecast is reliable, how weather alerts work and their colours, as well as to learn to distinguish storms, avalanches, thaws, maximum and minimum temperatures.

    It is also related to the concepts of precipitation, wind gust, accumulated snow, the European scale of avalanche danger, avalanche size, and the reference websites that can be consulted to obtain all this information.

    There are several sources we can consult at the planning stageto know the weather we are going to face in the mountains:

    • AEMET Weather Bulletins
    • Automatic mountain stations
    • Satellite or radar images
    • Meteorological maps or models

    In addition, it is also very important to know the signs of weather changes. Knowing how to read the sky, or what different changes in the weather mean, will help us to prevent situations of changing weather conditions.

    Key elements in weather forecasting

    The most important thing is to emphasise those who elements that will have a great meteorological influence on mountaineers. These are:

    • Altitude and high temperatures, especially if a large drop in temperature and wind chill is expected, which is accentuated the higher we are.
    • The possibility of storms, as it is not the same to look like a storm on the plain as on an alpine wall.
    • The wind chill, for which we will have to take into account the combination of strong winds and low temperatures.
    • Strong gusts of wind that can cause us to lose stability when we are on a ridge or in an open situation.
    • High temperatures, which can lead to heat stroke and dehydration.

    How to access weather forecasts

    According to the Statute of the State Meteorological Agency, "AEMET is responsible for the preparation, supply and dissemination of meteorological information and forecasts of general interest to citizens throughout the country, and the issuing of warnings and forecasts of meteorological phenomena that may affect the safety of people and property".

    The AEMET or State Meteorological Agency of Spain is a state agency, whose basic objective is the provision of meteorological services, which fall within the competence of the State.

    Its advisories contain detailed and accessible information aimed at both novice and experienced mountain users. These forecasts largely work in the form of warnings.

    Its wording indicates the impact of weather on the user and, in particular, where there is a possibility of severe conditions, an attempt is made to include this eventuality in the forecast as a probability, even when the risk is low.

    How can we interpret the information provided by these meteorological sources?

    Forecasting weather conditions in the near future is based on the collection of data, and the interpretation of this weather data.

    Nowadays it is possible to access an infinite number of weather forecasts via conventional media, the Internet or our mobile phones, but do we know how to interpret this information for the activity we are going to carry out?

    Let's start by clarifying that the reliability of a forecast lasts about 6 or 7 days. But without a doubt, the best option for learning how to interpret this meteorological information for the mountain activity we want to carry out is to attend formal training courses, which are available both online and in person.

    You also have free access to the online capsules that the Spanish High Mountain School - FEDME uploads to YouTube, and many other resources that you have at your fingertips.

    And of course, through experience. The most advisable thing is that every time you go out into the mountains, even if it is a minor activity, or if you are not going to do big climbs, to check the weather conditions in the sources we have mentioned. And once you are on the ground, check for yourself if it happens, to familiarise yourself with the weather. This is so important for anyone who enjoys going out into the mountains or the natural environment.

    Learning to consult the weather in the mountains

    In the end, one of the most important things is not to rely solely on the weather forecast, but to keep a close eye on the weather around you at all times.

    You will then be able to read the beginnings of change in the weather and predict and intuit any signs that indicate any variation in the weather, such as the following:

    • Clouds may develop early in the day, possibly leading to thunderstorms later in the day.
    • Gusty winds or a sharp drop in temperatures are the signs to watch out for, as they may indicate an imminent change in weather conditions.

    And remember, you are the one who is most responsible for your safety in the mountains, because one of the most important things is planning.

    In this sense, one of the key aspects in all planning is to be attentive to weather forecasts.

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