The best trekking routes in Portugal

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Portugal is criss-crossed by numerous hiking trails and pilgrimage routes. Away from the holiday resorts of the Algarve, explore the mountains and the spectacular Atlantic coast. You can walk along the coast following the Portuguese Way from Porto to Santiago, or, for wonderful hiking conditions between September and April, Madeira and the Azores can provide more exotic scenery with a myriad of routes.

The Algarve enjoys a mild climate, beautiful scenery and easy access for transport. It is best known for its spectacular coastline: sinkholes, dramatic cliffs and rocky beaches. However, the interior is just as beautiful and other walks explore the wooded slopes of Monchique and the tranquil scenery between the mountains and the coast. The region's scenery includes Cabo de São Vicente, the most south-westerly point in Europe; the Algarve's highest peak, Fóia (902m); historic sites; spectacular cliffs, arches and promenades; and idyllic beaches.

On the Portuguese island of Madeira and Porto Santo, you can explore the spectacular coastline of cliffs, picturesque levadas (irrigation channels), dense laurel forests and high mountain peaks.

Portugal is an undiscovered gem for hikers. A multitude of trails boast fantastic scenery and are rich in natural, historical and cultural interest. They include granite peaks, wildflower meadows, forests, waterfalls, castles, churches and archaeological remains. And thanks to its variety of microclimates, it is possible to find suitable conditions for hiking in all seasons.

Practical guide

When to go?

With such a variety of microclimates, it is possible to find a pleasant climate for walking at any time of the year.

In the Algarve, the best times are spring and autumn. The winter months are the wettest, but spring comes early. In spring, wild flowers add a touch of colour to the landscape.

As for Madeira, it is a year-round destination: hot and humid in summer, cooler and a little more humid in winter.

Cities & Services

Peneda-Gerês National Park; Montesinho Natural Park; Alvão Natural Park; Douro International Natural Park; shale villages near Coimbra; Serra da Estrela Natural Park; Lisbon; Tagus and São Mamede Natural Parks; Monsaraz and Évora; Algarve, Costa Vicentina and Guadiana.

In the Algarve: Sagres, Luz, Lagos, Salema, Cabo de São Vicente, Monchique, Caldas de Monchique, Fóia, Marmelete, Carrapateira, Mealha, Furnazinhas, Praia da Marinha, Albufeira, Barragem de Bravura, Arrifana, Bordeira

Madeira: Funchal, Ribeira Brava, Santana, Porto Moniz, Porto Santo

Not to be missed

  1. The dramatic glacial landscape of the Zêzere Valley
  2. Solitude and nature in the Peneda-Gerês National Park
  3. Waterfalls in Rota das Cascatas.
  4. Fantastic views from the Candeeiros summit
  5. Historical Marvão
  6. Odeceixe beach
  7. Parque Natural da Madeira, Pico Ruivo, levadas, laurisilva forests, Ponta de São Lourenço

The routes

The routes are spread throughout Portugal, with a special focus on the country's many natural and national parks, including Peneda-Gerês, Serra da Estrela and Costa Vicentina, including the country's highest peak at Serra da Estrela, as well as visiting traditional villages built in stone and slate and places of historical interest.

From the rugged mountains of the north to the UNESCO-listed Douro river valley, from the traditional shale villages to the unique geology of the Algarve coast, the best places Portugal has to offer.

Northern Portugal

Peneda-Gerês National Park

  • Caminho dos Mortos, Real
  • Trilho Castrejo, Castro Laboreiro
  • Circular Peneda
  • Pertinho do Ceu, Gavieira
  • Bicos and Pedrada
  • Pitões das Júnias and Capela de São João da Fraga
  • Minas dos Carris, Portela de Homem
  • Gerês Circular
  • Águia do Sarilhão and Via Nova, Campo do Gerês
  • Trilho dos Currais, Vila do Gerês

Montesinho Natural Park

  • Trilho da Calçada, Moimenta
  • Peaks of Montesinho

Around the Alvão Natural Park

  • Senhora da Graça, Mondim de Basto
  • Top of Marão

 Douro International Natural Park 

  • Azeite, Bruçó
  • Ribeira do Mosteiro

Central Portugal and Lisbon

Schist Villages

  • Schist Villages Lousã
  • Caminho do Xisto das Aldeias de Góis and Lousã summit
  • Trilho do Vale do Ceira, Cabreira

Serra da Estrela Natural Park

  • Sun and Rota das Faias, Manteigas
  • Rota do Carvão, Manteigas
  • Javali and Poço do Inferno, Manteigas
  • Rota do Glaciar, Torre-Manteigas
  • Poios Brancos, Manteigas

Around Lisbon

  • Castelejo, Alvados
  • Chãos
  • Peninha, Sintra
  • Cape Espichel, Arrábida

Tejo e São Mamede Natural Park

  • Rota dos Abutres, Salvaterra do Extremo
  • GR29 Rota dos Veados
  • Marvão

Monsaraz and Évora

  • Évora aqueduct and Ecopista
  • Monsaraz

Southern Portugal: Algarve, Costa Vicentina and Guadiana

The routes take in the sunny south coast, the rugged coast of Vicentina, the mountains of Monchique and the traditional villages of the eastern Algarve.

  • Odeceixe beach route
  • Cape São Vicente
  • Rota das Cascatas, Monchique
  • Trilho da Fóia, Monchique
  • Pulo do Lobo, Guadiana
  • GR23
  • Serra do Caldeirão, Parizes
  • Via Algarviana (GR13) Great walking route through the Algarve mountains and rural Algarve. 

Eastern Algarve

  • Canyons
  • Mina e Albufeira
  • Masmorra Trail
  • Cerro dos Negros
  • Benémola Spring
  • Rocha da Pena
  • Paderne Castle

Central region

  • Levada Trail
  • Fonte Santa
  • Monchique-Fóia loop
  • Caldas de Monchique to Picota and Monchique
  • Circular Fóia-Penedo do Buraco
  • Circular Barbelote Waterfall
  • Circular Marmelete
  • Barragem da Bravura
  • Barão de São João Art Trail
  • Circular to the forest Barão de São João

South Coast

  • Albufeira to Galé
  • Praia do Vale do Olival to Praia da Marinha
  • Praia da Marinha a Praia Vale de Centeanes
  • Praia Vale de Centeanes a Ferragudo
  • Praia do Barranco das Canas Coastal Promenade
  • Alvor promenade
  • Lakes to Light
  • Light to Salema
  • Salema to Sagres
  • Sagres to Cabo de São Vicente

Costa Vicentina

  • Circular Cape of São Vicente-Praia do Telheiro
  • Castelejo Circular
  • Circular Carrapateira
  • Circular Bordeira
  • Circular Fortaleza da Arrifana
  • Circular Praia da Amoreira

Madeira and Porto Santo

Day trips exploring Madeira's network of levadas, as well as routes through steep and rugged mountains, with bare rock slopes or laurel forest. The neighbouring island of Porto Santo also offers some easy walking and a sandy beach.

As Madeira's rugged terrain does not easily support circular walks, many of the routes are linear, however, most are accessible by public transport and there is the option of linking routes to create longer outings and multi-day trips.

With a favourable climate and stunning scenery, Madeira is a fantastic walking destination.

The routes in this guide are spread across the island, and visitors can choose to settle in the capital, Funchal, or in one of the many smaller towns and villages.

Regular flights and ferries link Madeira with Porto Santo, which has an exceptional sandy beach and a pleasant and easy route.

East Madeira

  • Levada dos Tornos: Monte a Camacha
  • Levada dos Tornos: Camacha a Quatro Estradas
  • Levada da Serra: Campo do Pomar a Camacha
  • Levada da Serra: Camacha a Santo da Serra
  • Levada Nova from Santo da Serra
  • Baia d'Abra and Ponta de São Lourenço
  • Levada do Caniçal: Maroços to Caniçal
  • Levada da Portela: Santo da Serra a Portela
  • Vereda das Funduras: Portela a Maroços
  • North Coast: Porto da Cruz to Ribeira Seca

Funchal to Santana

  • Penha d'Águia Trail
  • Levada do Furado: Portela to Ribeiro Frio
  • Caminho Velha: Poiso to Porto da Cruz
  • Fajã da Nogueira and Levada da Serra
  • Caminho Velha: Poiso a Santana
  • Levada do Barreiro: Poço da Neve a Monte
  • Levada da Negra: Poço da Neve a Barreira
  • Levada do Curral: Curral das Freiras a Funchal
  • Levada dos Piornais: Lombada a Funchal

The high mountains

  • Boca da Encumeada to Achada do Teixeira
  • Boca da Encumeada to Curral das Freiras
  • Pico do Cedro and Pico do Areeiro
  • Pico do Areeiro to Pico Ruivo
  • Pico Ruivo, Vale da Lapa and Ilha
  • Pico Ruivo, Queimadas and Santana
  • Levada do Caldeirão Verde from Pico das Pedras
  • Levada do Rei from Quebradas
  • Santana, Calhau and São Jorge
  • Boca da Encumeada and Pico Grande
  • Colmeal and Pico Grande
  • Fajã dos Cardos to Fajã do Penedo
  • Boca da Encumeada a Colmeal

Jardim Da Serra

  • Boca da Encumeada a Marco e Fonte
  • Boca da Corrida and Curral das Freiras
  • Boca dos Namorados and Curral das Freiras
  • Marco e Fonte a Fontes
  • Terreiros from Boca da Corrida
  • Crista do Espigão from Fontes
  • Fajã da Ribeira, Levada Norte and Boa Morte
  • Levada do Norte: Boa Morte to Estreito de Câmara de Lobos

Paul Da Serra

  • Pico Ruivo do Paúl da Serra from Estanquinhos
  • Rabaçal, Levada do Risco and 25 Fontes
  • Levada do Paúl: Rabaçal a Cristo Rei
  • Levada das Rabaças and Cascalho
  • Caminho do Pináculo e Folhadal
  • Levada dos Cedros: Fanal a Ribeira da Janela
  • Levada da Janela: Fonte do Bispo to Porto Moniz

Western Madeira

  • Ponta do Pargo to Fonte do Bispo
  • Levada do Moinho: Tornadouro a Ribeira da Cruz
  • Levada da Calheta - Ponta do Pargo to Ponta do Pargo
  • Levada da Calheta - Ponta do Pargo to Prazéres
  • Caminho Real: Prazéres a Paúl do Mar
  • Levada da Calheta - Ponta do Pargo to Lombo dos Faias
  • Levada da Calheta - Ponta do Sol to Ponta do Sol
  • Levada Nova and Levada do Moinho from Ponta do Sol
  • Levada Nova: Jangão a Ribeira Brava
  • Lombo do Mouro to Ribeira Brava

Porto Santo

  • Pico do Castelo, Pico do Facho and Pico Branco
  • Campo de Baixo, Bárbara Gomes and Eiras
  • Ponta, Pico de Ana Ferreira, Pico do Espigão and Calheta
  • Ilhas Desertas Cruise (one-day cruise to the nearby uninhabited Desertas Islands)

The Portuguese Way "

The Portuguese Way is a 620 km long route from Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. There are two options with around 25 stages along the way. One route runs inland and the other along the coast. In either case you will discover a great diversity of landscapes, historical and religious sites. On the following guide information on preparation, planning and accommodation will be available.