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    Ascent of Aneto

    Aneto / Daniel Maldonado (Flickr)
    Aneto / Daniel Maldonado (Flickr)

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    The Aneto Peak with its 3404m is the highest peak in the Pyrenees and of the Peninsula. This mountain belongs to the Pyrenees mountain range and is located in the beautiful Benasque Valley and is located in the Posets-Maladeta Natural ParkThe park is one of the most beautiful and spectacular natural parks in Europe.

    • Height: 3404m
    • Situation: Aragonese Pyrenees, head of the Benasque Valley.
    • When to go: From mid-June to the end of September.
    • Complicated sections: The glacier: it is necessary to adapt to its appearance, which fluctuates with the weather. It will be necessary to rope up according to the weather. The Mohammed Bridge: short pass exposed more impressive than difficult. In any case dangerous.

    Aneto Peak, the highest peak in the Pyrenees

    After having fascinated the mountain community for centuries, the Aneto has always been the epicentre of a multitude of stories and legends, such as the one about the pilgrim. The story goes that, many centuries ago, a mysterious pilgrim came to the area. The man never stayed long in any one place, he had no money or jewels, and yet he was always happy. After sowing peace and love throughout the region, the man met, on one of his walks, the fearsome and evil giant Netu, a demon who terrorised the good people of the Pyrenees. After denying him the water that ran under his enormous feet, the pilgrim put a curse on the giant, who was instantly petrified, becoming what is today the peak of Aneto.

    The Aneto is one of the most capital parts of the Maladeta massif, and contains a great deal of history from times long before our own. Without going any further, this part of the Pyrenees contains the largest glacier It has attracted many Spanish and French tourists thanks to its enormous dimensions, measuring more than 100 hectares.

    One of the most interesting curiosities of the Pico de Aneto is that it does not form one single ecosystemIt forms several layers with different endemic species depending on the height of the ground. While in the higher areas, the upper alpine floor, you will only find a few lichens or algae, in the lower areas you will find more and more large plants (such as the beautiful black pine), mostly belonging to the pine family, forming a landscape mostly known as the taiga. If we go below 1600 metres we will start to find much more humid plants, such as poplars. If we talk about the animals, the most remarkable of this peak are the birds and mammals, many of them endemic to the area.

    Mountain sports such as climbing or hiking are a great attraction of the region, as there are many trails you can follow to reach the summit. All of them have an average height difference of around 1500 metres, the most unknown being the Barrancas Valley (1505 metres) and the one on the back of the Aneto. Others, such as the Via de los descalzaos or the Cresta, are rarer and less travelled, but equally spectacular.

    At the Pico de Aneto you can live a unique experience with its unique ecosystem, as well as become aware of the serious consequences that can have the climate changeThe glacier is very present in this region and especially in its glacier, which is constantly retreating.

    The route

    • Time spent11 hours with stops.
    • Difficulty: high.
    • Unevenness: 1,264 m. ascent and 1,464 m. descent.

    If you want to climb the Aneto you must be physically well prepared and have two days for the excursion. The route starts at the Besurta (1,940 m.) from where we climb up to the refuge of La Renclusa. It is a 200 m. climb and it takes about 45 minutes to get there.

    On the second day, we set off from La Renclusa (2,140m.) towards Bottom hatch (2.818 m.), Top hatch (2.908 m.), Neck Crowns (3,198 m.), to finally reach the summit of the Aneto (3.404 m.). The way back is directly to the Besurta.

    Recommended equipment

    Ice axe and crampons almost indispensable.
    - Waterproof footwear, and gaiters appreciated.
    - The walking sticks are very useful.
    - Harness and rope for the two steps already mentioned.
    - Sunglasses and sunscreen.

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