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    The basic camping equipment checklist

    The basic camping equipment checklist / Photo: Rob Bye
    The basic camping equipment checklist / Photo: Rob Bye

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    One of the most popular family events for summer outings is camping, and to have a safe and fun holiday, it's important to have the right appropriate camping equipment. Since there are so many different types of camping accessories on the market today, for those starting out in this world it can be a little overwhelming.

    While there are many add-ons and specialty items, there are some basic camping gear essentials that are a must-have and simply cannot be omitted or forgotten, or you won't have the trip you're hoping for. The items camping basics include:



    Probably the most essential item of camping equipment. Tents now come in a variety of styles, fabrics, frames and even colours.. The most basic tent is a traditional inverted V-shaped tent that is usually a two-person tent. There are larger versions of this tent model that have a gable roof, but are much taller to allow adults and children to walk inside in relative comfort. Hexagonal tents also offer more space in general, and this is an important consideration if you are camping with children or large groups of people. We won't forget the igloo tents, which are easy to set up and there are endless models available to buy these days.

    When buying a tent, be aware of the number of people to be accommodated and amount of storage space under cover that you may need.

    It also considers the weight of the tent whether you have to pack it at your campsite, as well as how easy or difficult it is to lift and dismantle. Weight will be a crucial aspect if you are going to carry it on the backpack during the day.

    Sleeping bags

    There is a wonderful variety of sleeping bags lightweight, ultra-warm and very durable available in most camping shops. Sleeping bags come in a variety of sizes, from extra long to children's sizes. Sleeping bags, like tents, will need to be packed at the campsite, so it should be a lightweight, easy-care fabric.

    The fillings of the sleeping bags go into the sleeping bags. from down to synthetics. Depending on where you are camping and the hot or cold conditions you may encounter, you will have to choose one type or the other.

    First aid kit

    Absolutely essential when camping or hiking in the mountains, a first aid kit should be a must-have for every hiker and camper. Most pharmacies, camping supply shops and sporting goods shops sell first aid kits. very compact first aid kits that are reasonably priced. Make sure that the first aid kit contains anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial cream, disinfectants, bandages of all sizes, gauze, painkillers, tweezers, scissors and a tension bandage.. Some creams or lotions for insect bites and sunburn prevention are also a great idea.

    The kitchen and its accessories and supplies

    Normally you will not be able to build a fire for safety, as depending on where you are camping, fire regulations and restrictions or wet weather will prohibit it - be respectful of this. A small gas cooker can be a lifesaver for heating food and water.

    It is important to bring more food than you think you will need, as a safety precaution in case the trip takes a little longer than originally planned. There is freeze-dried and pre-packed foods that are easy to carry and ideal in case of emergency.


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