Dolomites, Three Peaks of Lavaredo, Italy

Trekking in the Alps

Trekking in the Alps Hiking in the Alps is immensely satisfying. Spectacular peaks that...

Montserrat routes: circular route to "les Agulles" and "els Frares Encantats" from Can Maçana.
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Montserrat routes: circular route to "les Agulles" and "els Frares Encantats" from Can Maçana.

Clockwise circular route to les Agulles and els Frares Encantats. From the Can Maçana pass we head for the Guirló pass, where the outward and return paths separate. We will continue along the northern slope towards the imposing Cadireta, climbing (optionally) to the Roca Foradada. We then continue to the Coll de Porc or Coll de Port, where we change to the southern slope. The return route follows the PR C-78, passing by the Vicenç Barbé refuge until it links up again with the outward route at Coll Guirló.