Climate change: National Geographic raises awareness with this video
Much has been heard about the climate changeThe UN is right to be more and more concerned about it, and Donald Trump is right to withdraw from treaties, and the UN is right to be more and more concerned.
Much has been said and much will continue to be said because for some people the climate change is nothing more than a method to scare us and for others it is a severe consequence of the lifestyle we are leading with a high dependence on burning fossil fuels - we are more inclined to this option.
Reality is often altered by the interests of large companies, because it should not be ignored that this issue does not only concern us, but also the large transnational oil companies; that is why there are few authorised voices to talk about climate change and all that it entails.
One such voice is that of National GeographicSince time immemorial, this organisation has participated in expeditions, documentaries and large-scale research with the aim of getting to know the world, to get closer to nature, to be the voice of all animals, plants and living beings that live on earth.
Ecosystems such as Antarctica, the ice continent, are being affected by climate change, as large ice sheets are breaking off, posing great risks not only to coastal cities, but also to the entire world.
With the aim of raising awareness and broadcasting truthful, real and reliable information, National Geographic has created a video where he explains all about climate change and its implication in the melting of the poles, the modification of the climate, the possible consequences and risks for mankind.
This National Geographic video on climate change invites us to wake up, to realise that we are about to reach the point of no return, a place where returning life as it was before will not be possible, we are about to reach a place where the consequences will be irreversible for the planet, for life.
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