Damn mountain' #18: The crown of the Vignemale.
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New installment of the podcast 'Damned mountain'. with Eduardo Azcona (@eduazcona). High altitude airs for the whole week.
- The intro: Do you want to collaborate? Send us an e-mail to info@travesiapirenaica.com
- Vignemale from Bujaruelo. Ascent via the Moskowa corridor and the Lady Lyster pass and the crown route (8 three-thousanders).
- Stay dry on the trail: tips for hiking in the rain
- Excursion to the cirque and waterfall of Gavarnie
- Every week we look for a "place" in the Pyrenees. By looking at the picture - listening to the description - and with the help of the clues, are you able to figure out what we are looking for?
- And we finish with the news (and stories).
Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!