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    Desolation Wilderness - California, USA

    Desolation Wilderness - California, USA / Photo: Jeffrey Pang [CC BY 2.0] Wikimedia Commons
    Desolation Wilderness - California, USA / Photo: Jeffrey Pang [CC BY 2.0] Wikimedia Commons

    Pyrenees and mountains 📩

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    Desolation Wildness is situated in front of Lake Tahoe. It has an elevation of 1,897 metres and a depth of 501 metres. It is the second deepest lake after Crater Lake. The official name of the trail is the Bayview Trailhead, located in Shouth Lake Tahoe, California. The duration of the trail is about 3 days and the length is about 22 km.

    Along the way you can visit landscapes as different as snow-capped mountain ranges or as special as forests surrounding a large lake.

    Practical guide for hikers

    The trail is easily accessible, you can drive to the site by car. Once there, park the car and start the route. The first few kilometres of the route are on a flat path, but then the incline increases but the views start to be spectacular.

    It is important to divide the route according to one's fitness level. Although most people do it within three days, this does not mean that others can do it the same way.

    One of the most interesting places on the route is the Pacific Trail. It is a 4,286 km long trail linking Canada, the United States and Mexico. This route takes a detour on part of the trail. So the curious will have the option to walk along one of the most famous routes in the United States.

    The route can be done at different times of the year. Most people prefer to do the route in the spring months, when it is no longer cold but still not too hot. For those who like risk and want to take on a new adventure, the recommendation is to do the hike in winter. The snow-capped mountains and the sunsets contrasting the colours of the sky with the white of the ground are a unique sight.

    It is a rather complicated route even for the most experienced hikers. The cold, the changes in altitude and the stretches where the path is not prepared at all do not help to make it an easy route. Although it is a very popular route, it is not usually crossed by many people, which makes it a fairly solitary route.

    In order to be able to do the route, it is essential to have a pass that allows access to the valley.

    Advice for hikers

    It should be borne in mind that the route will be done on foot. Although the route is not complicated in any way, people who have problems going up and down slopes should take great care.

    The route is surrounded by high altitude mountains, which is why the snow will be a companion for most of the trip. It is advisable to make use of thermal clothing or those that help to keep you warm during the trip. Shoes should be waterproof, help to keep your feet warm and be able to withstand any type of ground. If the route is done in spring or summer, the snow is not as abundant but the nights are equally cold. During these months it is advisable to wear thinner clothing during the day but include warm clothes for the night. Never forget a rucksack that includes all the items you will need during the day.

    There are not many places along the route where you can stop to recharge your batteries. It is important at the start of each route to include in your rucksack all the food you need to face the challenge. As it is a route that has many unforeseen events, it is recommended that you always carry a small kitchen kit and plenty of food, as you may have to spend the night somewhere before arriving at a base and you will need to have dinner and breakfast.

    Depending on the route chosen, there is no place to spend the night. In these cases it will be necessary to have a tent and all the necessary utensils to be able to do the trek. All the elements that we carry must meet our trekking needs but at the same time, they must not be so bulky that they interrupt the rhythm of the route. In case you want to sleep in a bed one day, we recommend the Bayview car park, which is located in Eagle Falls and is completely free of charge.

    It is important to have a medical check-up before starting the trek to ensure that you are in good health. During the trip there are points where you can suffer from altitude sickness. These are some of the symptoms you may have: Headache, Nausea and vomiting, dizziness, tiredness, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, increased heart rate and difficulty sleeping among others. If you feel any of these symptoms, these are some of the steps to follow: do not climb any higher in the next 48 hours, descend as much as possible, do not exercise, drink plenty of water, take some medicine to help you cope with altitude sickness.

    Taking into account all the complications that can occur along the way, it is advisable to make a detailed planning. It is important that the route includes all the details and that the route is followed. This will make it easier for the search and rescue team to rescue them in case they get lost. It would be even better if a family member had a copy of the plan.

    In case you do not manage to finish the walk, you should not give up. Many people do not manage to cope with this walk, it requires a lot of fitness and effort to be able to reach the finish line. Training beforehand will help to make the effort easier.

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