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    Step by step

    Relatos de Altura: Step by step, by Aitziber Landa Serrano

    Pyrenees and mountains 📩

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    Continuing with the winners of the first edition of the micro-story competition: Relatos de Altura (you have not made it easy for the jury), we leave you to enjoy Paso a paso, by Aitziber Landa Serrano, winner of the second prize of the contest.

    Step by step

    -by Aitziber Landa Serrano-.

    When the terrain allowed it, they walked side by side to the beat of the canes. They stole each other's words, chatting about their boyfriends, friends and enemies, unconfessable secrets. On their way to the highest hills they paraded in silence, without distinguishing whether it was the uphill or the grandeur of the landscape that caused the silence. They sank their exhausted feet in lakes and fresh rivers. Marmots and buck sheep enlivened a few moments. They were cold and hot; they were afraid too, when they heard a storm approaching. They were reborn with every hot shower and devoured the dishes still steaming in the shelters. They learned to balance their strength, to compensate their spirits. In each photograph they were determined to capture unrepeatable moments, like that last one, with the Bay of Biscay in the background.

    They had met by chance a couple of months earlier. Step by step they crossed the Pyrenees. Step by step they built a friendship that linked them forever.

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