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    The dialectic of the mountain

    High altitude stories I: The mountain dialectic

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    We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the first edition of the competition: High Altitude StoriesWe leave you to enjoy "The dialectics of the mountain", by Óscar León Díaz.

    The dialectic of the mountain

    -by Óscar León Díaz-


    I begin the marked path. I get lost; the palpable nothingness opens up before me. I let myself go with the conviction of not turning back. I feel comfortable, but I am hesitant.

    First transformation: rockrose

    I dress in the bush as a sign of veneration for the natural environment. Bodily expression is uninhibited by embracing stone landmarks. The senses become intoxicated, provoking alliances and disobedience; new forms of relationship.

    Second transformation: feline

    My position bows as a sign of respect for nature. The centre of gravity levitates accommodating the compass rose. The senses now sharpen, constructing space and time; new forms of action.


    The road ends as a certainty. The uncertain world rushes in. I straddle it with the desire to start again. I feel disturbed, but hopeful. The mountain makes the invisible visible through the anonymity (in the loss) of the path.

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