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    The same route

    High altitude stories I: The same route

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    We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the first edition of the competition: High Altitude Storieswe let you enjoy with "La misma ruta", by Nayara Matos Salom.

    The same route

    -by Nayara Matos Salom-

    I felt the cold weather on my feathers when I first woke up, being damp from the night's relent. I stretched out my wings to warm them with the first rays of the sun and then began my morning flight. I listened to the resonance of the water of the waterfall and the rustling of the leaves of the trees in the cool wind. I flew up and down the mountain, watching the sky turn from dark to azure blue.

    Waving to my companions, I land beside the lake, watching the fish swim and the stones glitter. From below there was a better view of the landscape, a blue sky with white clouds covering the peak of the mountain. I began to hear footsteps and laughter from the people who used to come here to hike, see the mountain or just get away from it all. I was happy that this was my home. It would always be.

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