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    How to make a backpack for an adventure trip

    How to make a backpack for an adventure trip / Photo: Michael Clarke
    How to make a backpack for an adventure trip / Photo: Michael Clarke

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    There is a funny scene in the film "After the green heart"when the character of Michael Douglas meets the character of Kathleen Turners and agrees to take her to a phone box hundreds of miles away. He refuses to carry her seemingly impractical luggage; a few scenes later he goes even further by cutting the heels off her shoes so that she can walk properly in them. Beyond the clichés - which we could argue with the scriptwriter - this scene can convey the essence of what it is to pack - or rather, the backpack- Less is definitely more!

    When in a foreign country, it is usually fairly easy to spot the experienced traveller from the novice. The novice usually drags a giant suitcase or carries a brightly coloured backpack that is even bigger than he or she is. They are dressed in the latest adventure gear from the most expensive adventure shops and wear trekking shoes worth hundreds of euros. We recommend that this is not your way of travelling for several reasons. The first is comfort. Generally you will walk a lot when you go on this type of holiday, and walking with 50 kg of luggage is exhausting and difficult. -You're going to have to put on a bull at the gym. Chances are you'll get too dirty and ruin those newly bought clothes you're wearing - yes, that shirt that cost you an arm and a leg - and don't forget that some of your expensive items are marked "steal from me" - sometimes by other travellers. If you show up with the best and most expensive equipment, you are a target for thieves and con artists.. With all this in mind, here are some tips:



    If you're going on a trip that's going to take you to remote places, be physically active and walk more than a few hundred metres a day, then a backpack is definitely your option. But not all backpacks are the same! Think small and discreet. Dark colours like brown and black will attract less attention than a bright purple or red one. Make sure it's the kind of backpack that has a flap at the top that closes over the opening on the inside to prevent water from getting in if it rains. If you are visiting a place where rainfall is very frequent, you can put your clothes in waterproof bags. Use standard plastic bags, or you can buy specific material for this purpose in shops. We insist that you keep your backpack as small as possible, especially if you are backpacking and are not going to do any trekking or other activities for which you need more equipment. A backpack of 30 to 45 litres could be sufficient. In these backpack sizes you can fit everything you need for your trip, and if you can't fit something in, then you probably don't need it - as we said, in case you are going to do some mountain activity, you might need a slightly bigger backpack.

    Technical clothing

    Think lightweight and breathable! Cotton may be very suitable for an adventure trip, but if you're going to do intense physical activity, it will get soaked - keep this in mind. Three T-shirts are enough: you can wear one, wash another and have a spare.. Value dressing in a variety of ways. layers. For the trousersIf you're on an adventure trip, zipped leggings that can be converted into shorts - which can also double up as swimming trunks - are very useful. Dark colours will always hide dirt, a good idea for an adventure trip. In general, apart from the underwear and socksIf the weather is very rainy, you will not need much more clothing. If the local climate is very rainy, you will need a waterproof. Remember that if you need something, you can always buy it there, and usually for considerably less than in your home country. Don't forget to bring some kind of hat or cap if you're going to countries with harsh, sunny climates.


    Unless you're trekking or mountaineering, you probably don't need those heavy, $300 trekking boots. Think about comfort - do you need footwear that will protect you from water and humidity, am I going to be in mud all day, will it be 40 degrees in the shade and not a drop of rain that month I'll be there - or for the next 5 months? You have to take all this into account when considering the footwear you will wear. The advice is to wear the right footwear for what you are going to do. And be discreet.

    Other things

    You will also need to bring certain essential items. The sunscreen is one of them. A multi-tool knife is very useful. You can carry a lighter in your luggage, for anything from lighting people's cigarettes to sealing the ends of ropes.

    The trick to preparing your luggage for an adventure trip is to pack light, discreet and cheap.. This prevents you from becoming a human pack mule or a target for thieves and swindlers. You'll enjoy your trip more, because you won't be as tired or worry as much about your equipment.


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