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    How to make the perfect coffee in the open air: 6 ways of the best baristas

    How to make a coffee in the open air. Amatter Coffee at the Ullíbarri-Gamboa reservoir. Photo: Eduardo Azcona
    How to make a coffee in the open air. Amatter Coffee at the Ullíbarri-Gamboa reservoir. Photo: Eduardo Azcona

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    One of the best moments in camping, or when we are outdoors, is when we stop after a long day of activity, when we enter the warmth of the tent or rest in the shelter of a mountain refuge. Refuelling is essential, and a hot coffee at this time tastes better than a Michelin-starred meal. Depending on the weight you can carry on your back, your tastes or the time you can devote to the preparation of the coffee, you can opt for different ways of preparing it. Here's how the best baristas would prepare it.


    AeroPress Coffee Maker
    AeroPress Coffee Maker

    The system Aeropress Coffee Maker (Click here to buy) is one of the newest ways to brew coffee. These coffee machines are gaining more and more followers among those who are more and more demanding with coffee. Procedure: First rinse the filter of the coffee machine with hot water. Then add the ground coffee. Half of the water must be mixed into the coffee, and it must rest for about 45 seconds. When this time has passed and the coffee has released its aromas, pour in the rest of the water until the coffee maker is full. Now put the lid on the coffee pot, turn it upside down with a gentle movement and place it on top of the cup. Gradually press the piston until the cup is full. Although it may seem like an elaborate process, it is very simple, and all coffee makers Aeropress usually include instructions on how not to miss any of the steps.

    Italian coffee maker, a classic way to make an espresso in the open air.

    The classic Italian coffee pot / Photo: Kevin Schmid
    The classic Italian coffee pot / Photo: Kevin Schmid

    Using an Italian coffee machine is a good way to make the best espresso. This classic and elegant Italian coffee machine, has traditionally been widely used in the home. For use in the open air, at the campsite or on our outings with the van, we can use a 1 or 2-cup coffee pot, a small size that will make it easy to transport. To heat it up, a mountain cooker. Procedure: We take the small packet of ground coffee, fill the filter with the ground coffee, fill the bottom of the coffee maker up to the "screw" with water, close the coffee maker and place it on the stove. As soon as the water rises to the top, our coffee is ready to be served. Hearing that gurgling sound when the coffee has finished brewing and its smell is pure delight, and we have not even tasted the cup of coffee yet.

    Poutine coffee 

    Café de puchero / Photo: Ezra Comeau Jeffrey
    Café de puchero / Photo: Ezra Comeau Jeffrey

    Cowboy coffee or puchero (view to buy) consists of brewing coffee in a pot filled with water. Procedure: Fill the pot with cold water and add the whole coffee beans or coarsely ground coffee. Heat and stir gradually until the aromas of the coffee mix with the water. Remember not to boil the water, however, as this can cause the coffee to taste burnt. Once the coffee has rested off the heat, you will need to remove the beans from the coffee. To do this, you can either remove them using a spoon, or remove them more easily by using a strainer.

    Piston coffee machine.

    Piston French-style coffee / Photo: Benjamin Davidson (CC-BY-2.0)
    Piston French-style coffee / Photo: Benjamin Davidson (CC-BY-2.0)

    This type of coffee is brewed using the coffee machine known as the French coffee maker (Click here to buy)The French press, the French press, or the piston coffee machine. This technique is very suitable for coffee lovers who enjoy a good cup of quality coffee. For a successful preparation, the use of coarsely ground coffee is recommended. Procedure: The first thing to do is to pour the ground coffee into the base of the pot. It is estimated that you need to pour a tablespoon of coffee to prepare between 100 and 120 millilitres. Then add the hot water, without boiling. As mentioned above, water that is too hot can cause a burnt aroma. Mix the water with the coffee carefully and calmly. Once it is mixed, it is time to use the plunger. This part is used to separate the coffee residue from the beverage. The piston should be carefully pushed in as far as it will go, and the coffee should be served immediately.

    Method pour-over or spilt coffee

    Amatter Coffee at the Ullíbarri-Gamboa reservoir.
    Amatter Coffee at the Ullíbarri-Gamboa reservoir.

    The method of making coffee called pour-over or pour-over coffee, is ideal for solo campers. In addition, the equipment needed to brew the coffee is light and very easy to carry. The only item needed is a type of filter (view to buy)Today it can be made of paper or metal, so it can be used on a daily basis. Of course, there is a whole kit for the more seasoned baristas, but with a filter and some ingenuity you can make your own coffee. Procedure: Before pouring in the coffee, the filter should be slightly moistened. Then add the ground coffee. When you have enough coffee in the filter, add the hot water little by little. This will hydrate the coffee, which will release the gases needed to give the water a good taste. Wait for the water to filter, and the coffee is ready. The disadvantage of this system is that to prepare coffee for a group, you have to repeat the process several times.

    Instant or soluble coffee.

    Soluble coffee / Photo: Clem Onojeghuo
    Soluble coffee / Photo: Clem Onojeghuo

    Using instant coffee is the easiest and quickest way to make coffee when you are camping. There are three basic steps to brewing: heat the water, pour in the coffee to your liking, and stir until it breaks down. Rehydrating the coffee will turn the water brown and make it taste like coffee. However, the taste is one of the major drawbacks of this type of coffee. As a processed product, the taste may not be the most pleasant. However, it is very easy to transport. You can carry a jar in your backpack, or to make it even lighter, you can carry the sachets that have the amount needed for one coffee. Often these sachets even include dehydrated milk, so you can have your latte in a minute.

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