Marcel Remy: back to the wall at 94 years of age
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Here 🔥Marcel Remy has proved once again that age is just a number, not a limitation to do what we are passionate about. At 94 years of age, he managed to climb the 450-metre high northwest face of the Miroir de l'Argentinoa legendary Swiss mountain.
And it won't be the last time this mountaineer does something similar, or so he thinks. On 22 August 2017, Marcel put on his special outfit, plucked up his courage and set off on an alpine route of around 500 metres, including 12 pitches, with a maximum difficulty of V+.
During the preparation and climbing of the route she was accompanied by her children. Claude and Yves Remytwo other renowned climbers from that country, who are now 63 and 60 years old, respectively.
Passion for mountaineering
Marcel Remy was born in February 1923. From an early age he was attracted to mountaineering and began to practice the discipline in which he has achieved important triumphs. Many would think that at the age of 94 he would be retired from mountaineering activities, doing the activities of a pensioner, but nothing like that.
He's not called "Mad Man" for nothing and is the oldest member of the Swiss Alpine Club of Diablerets. A man who is not afraid to take risks. The Miroir de l'Argentino is a large limestone wall in the Alps, specifically in the canton of Valais.
Marcel has climbed it more or less 200 times, considering it the most beautiful wall in the region. The first time he climbed this wall was almost 50 years ago and his sons were also climbing it. They had the passion that their father instilled in them.
In May, Remy asked his children to take him back to the Miroir de l'Argentino. They were a little wary of the adventure and hesitated, but did not refuse. On the contrary, they all started the proper preparation together.
Arduous preparation
Although he had little chance of success, of finishing the crossing, he did not limit himself. Marcel knew what he was up against and trained and prepared himself thoroughly. It took him three months to prepare his mind and body for the majesty of the Miroir.
The training consisted of multiple level 5 scale routes in specialised gyms, heavy cardio-focused walking and minor hiking routes - at all times we must take into account Marcel's age.
The big day
The date was set for 22 August. That would be the day Marcel Remy would once again demonstrate the results of a life dedicated to the sport. The day before, they made a gentle approach to familiarise themselves with the weather and terrain conditions.
The morning dawned sunny and at 8:30 the climb to the Miroir de l'Argentino began. A slow but sure progression. In addition to his sons Claude and Yves, Marcel was accompanied by a team of trusted climbers.
At 3:15 in the afternoon, Marcel once again conquered the summit of this wall. However, the journey was not over, as there was still the difficult task of continuing the aerial ridge, with a climbing passage before the Haute Cordeat 2,325 metres, where the descent would take place.
The final point of the escalation came at 6:30 p.m., when Jérémy Péclard, professional paraglider pilotHe took Remy up on his tandem and brought him back down to the ground. Thus the feat of a 94-year-old mountaineering legend was accomplished.
Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!