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    🥇 Relatos de Altura: IV Concurso de Microrrelatos de Montaña (4th Mountain Micro-story Competition)

    Tall tales IV

    Pyrenees and mountains 📩

    Here 🔥

    First of all, let's start with the important thing: to thank all those who have sent us their micro-stories and have contributed to making this new edition of the High Altitude Stories exceeded previous competitions in terms of participation. Sixty-two micro-stories, that's how the reception of texts for the competition ended. Now it's time to roll the drums!

    "And the Winner is"or are. We are pleased to announce the three selected texts that will receive the competition prizes (see the bases).

    • FIRST PRIZEMauro Bastón Piñeiro / HYPOCRITE 🥇
    • SECOND PRIZE: María Teresa Pariente Aylagas / INFINITE LOVE
    • THIRD PRIZE: Patxi Xabier Latorre Hurtado / PROUST'S MADELEINE

    On the other hand, as in the last edition, we will collect all the micro-stories in a book to give them the presence they deserve and to correspond in some way to the care that all the participants have put into them. We will also be sharing them here and on the newsletter weekly.

    Approach and rules of the competition

    After the three previous editions of the Mountain micro-story competition "High Altitude Stories"We are pleased to announce, as is our tradition at this time of the year, the fourth edition of the competition.

    Many thanks to all of you who have participated and made it possible. Hopefully this year will be a success again and we can continue to celebrate it for many years to come.


    Travesía Pirenaica announces the IV Mountain Micro-story Competition "Relatos de Altura".

    The aim of the competition is to combine the passion for the mountains with the pleasure and talent for writing.

    The winners of the micro-story competition will receive the following prizes:

    Competition rules:

    1. Participation is open to individuals of any age.
    2. The micro-story must be written in Spanish, be original and unpublished.
    3. The theme of the micro-stories will be set against the backdrop of the mountains.
    4. The length of the micro-stories must not exceed one maximum 150 words.
    5. Micro-stories that violate the dignity of others or contain adult, violent, xenophobic, xenophobic, racist or defamatory content will not be accepted.
    6. Each participant may submit a maximum of one micro-story.
    7. The time limit to send the micro-stories shall begin on 05 December and expire on 31 December inclusive.
    8. No short stories will be accepted after the deadline and, in general, any that do not comply with the conditions set out in these rules.
    9. To participate, you must send an email to the following address with the subject "IV competition "Relatos de Alturaby attaching two files in PDF format.
      1. One with the short story. The name of the file will bear the title of the micro-story.
      2. Another with the participant's details. The file name will be the title of the short story followed by "_author". It shall include:
        1. Title of the story
        2. Name and surname
        3. Address
        4. Contact details: (telephone and/or e-mail address).
    10. There will be three winners. First prize, second prize and third prize.
    11. The winners will be informed by phone or email by 16 January.
    12. The winning micro-stories will be published on the Travesía Pirenaica website, in the newsletter and on social media.
    13. In general, any micro-story may be published on the Travesía Pirenaica website, in the newsletter and on social media.
    14. The jury will be formed by the administrators of Travesía Pirenaica: Eduardo Azcona and Enrique López.
    15. Participants will grant Travesía Pirenaica, free of charge, the publishing rights of reproduction, distribution, transformation, public communication and any other rights necessary for the total or partial commercialisation of the same in any medium, for the whole world and for the maximum period permitted by law.
    16. Participants shall assume full responsibility, thereby indemnifying Travesía Pirenaica against any third party claim relating to any commitment and/or encumbrance that the author may have contracted and which could affect the rights corresponding to Travesía Pirenaica in accordance with the stipulations of these rules.
    17. Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of these rules.