O Balance of Escarrilla
Escarrilla is located in the sunny province of Huesca, and right next to it is also located O BalanceA beautiful spot where the river Escarra forms a gigantic rocky waterfall, the water ending its course in a fresh water lake.
A very pleasant walk is the access to this beautiful site via a path that starts at the Escarra river bridgewhich is close to the tunnel of the same name. Once this is done, we will only be separated 1h30 min and a beautiful route to our final destination. If you are less of a fan of this type of route, you can follow the road signs to go from Escarrilla to Sandinies, which is just over two kilometres away. After that, all you have to do is walk 30 min.
It doesn't matter which route you take, as you will still be able to enjoy the beautiful flora. Once you see a clear fork in the route, you will have to continue straight on, until you meet the river again, with its corresponding ravines. Another hour separates you from the beautiful forest tracks. Once you reach another fork with small coloured woods, once you have noticed all the descent you have made, you will see a sign in front of you informing you that you are almost there.
After continuing the descent a little further, we will start to be walking on small stones, which anticipate our arrival to O Balancewhere we can finally see how the waters of the Escarra rush until they reach the pool.
Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!