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    Everything you need to know to pack an ultra-lightweight backpack

    Everything you need to know to pack an ultra-lightweight backpack / Photo: Cody Black
    Everything you need to know to pack an ultra-lightweight backpack / Photo: Cody Black

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    Carrying a ultra light backpack for hiking or camping has many advantages, here are some of the best ways to get the most out of it. tips to lighten your backpackThe new technology will make your journey more comfortable, faster, and may even take you further, as well as helping to reduce the risk of aches and pains or other discomforts.

    Good planning

    Of course, it all starts with making an appropriate plan for your type of travel, which will be helpful in this regard make a list and have a scale The best way to know in detail the weight that each of the elements to be included represents is to have it at hand - if it is digital, the better -.

    It is recommended that you carry no more than 4.5 kilos of weight, not counting consumables - i.e. water, food and fuel - although depending on your physical characteristics and the distance to be travelled, this weight may vary.

    Let's start with the basics: rucksack, sleeping bag, tent, etc.

    Remember that the four essential items are a backpack, a tent or shelter, a sleeping bagand a mat; although to reduce the weight you can also play with these elements.

    For example, if site conditions allow it, instead of a tent you can use a tent or camping awning, or even a bivouac cover, which is lighter; or, instead of the bag and mat, you can use a hammockand so sleep in the heights.

    It has also become a trend among hikers to use ultralight coats instead of a sleeping bag; it protects you for walking - when necessary - and can also keep you warm at night.

    We also recommend our guide to choosing the ideal sleeping bagDepending on weather conditions, there are also some types that are unsuitable, while a light alternative of duck or goose feathers may be a good option if the weather permits.

    Choose lightweight items: trimming grams

    If you need to carry other items on your expedition, also consider reducing the weight, so that none of the items you carry weigh more than 100 grams.

    For example, if it is a mountain excursion and you require mountaineering equipment, remember that the carbon fibre alternative is the lightest.

    Of course, you have to consider that many items of advanced ultralight materials can be more expensive, and if you don't want to invest too much, you can make the changes gradually, for example by replacing the heaviest of the items for each trip, and so gradually you will get lighter and lighter equipment.

    Consumables: water, food

    Water is one of the heaviest items you can move, so consider a personal water filterThe lifestraw is a great alternative - provided, of course, that you have a river, lake, snow or some other means of accessing sufficient water during your trip.

    Also the bottles or canteens are often much heavier than a disposable plastic bottle, which makes them a good alternative for a trip - of course, only for one. Disposing of the plastic bottle, on the other hand, is not the most environmentally friendly option.

    You can also carry dehydrated foodsenergy bars or food supplements to generate as little weight as possible, although without losing sight of the calories you need to stay in shape, even more so considering the possible physical activity.

    You can also save weight by carrying some ready-made food with you, or for example - where possible - by taking food out of cans beforehand and putting it in ziplock bags.

    There are also very lightweight gas cookers / Photo: Kyle Peyton
    There are also very lightweight gas cookers / Photo: Kyle Peyton

    Of course, a cooking mechanism on the road is also a great help, you can save weight if you carry your own homemade container for cooking with alcoholIt is also lighter if you use a titanium container to heat the water. There are also very lightweight gas cookers.

    Another useful tip is to drink plenty of water and eat well before starting your route with your rucksack on your back; this way you can also avoid a good portion of weight. If you have planned your route correctly, you will know where to refuel, which will allow you to reduce weight.

    Other necessary tools: use your smartphone and other

    We also suggest you read more about how to a smartphone can help you on your journeyCurrently, there is a wide variety of apps that can save you from carrying around maps, compasses and compasses, GPS system and even lamps; although in this case, there are also some fairly light and long-lasting LED alternatives.

    A smartphone can help you on your journey / Photo: Antonio Grosz
    A smartphone can help you on your journey / Photo: Antonio Grosz

    Similarly, if you're considering taking that book you're so keen to read, you could look for the Kindle version and save weight by using a digital version.

    For example, don't carry your regular toothpaste and toothbrush, as there are lighter portable versions; and you don't have to carry a whole bottle of hand sanitiser; if you won't use that much, carry some in a small miniature container, and you'll still save a few grams. And even if you think it makes little difference, if you follow these tips, in the end the number of grams you can avoid carrying can translate into several kilos less.

    Of course, this doesn't mean that you have to leave out the essentials either, remember that a good medical kitand equipment for adverse weather conditions, can save you a lot of trouble, but be well-informed about the risks of the place, so that you carry with you only what you need.

    If you don't know the place, also take everything you need for the unexpected, although if it's a familiar environment, you'll be able to determine with greater certainty what kind of items are really essential for the adventure.

    In the same way if you are travelling with colleagues, it is advisable to organise yourself so as not to bring duplicate items.For example, it is not necessary for each person to carry a container for heating water or a first aid kitIf you're going to use new batteries, it's a good idea to use new ones to avoid having to carry spare parts that might be unnecessary.

    With a little information and planning, you will find that it is possible to prepare a ultralight backpackThe new, more comfortable and easier to move around in, which will allow you to better enjoy the adventure.


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