How to choose trail running clothing
More and more people are runners who change the city for the mountains. The practice of trail running has become considerably more widespread in recent years. However, even if running in the mountains and urban running seem to be the same, the clothing must change. In the mountains, especially in the high mountains, the runner is at the mercy of the weather when it gets worse. You have to be prepared to face rain, hail, snow and extreme winds, because in the mountains you have to cope with your own means. If the weather situation worsens drastically, good clothing is always a great help. Thanks to the following tips, you will know what equipment to choose for your mountain outings.
General characteristics.
More and more brands are deciding to sell specialised clothing for the trail running. Some of the most notorious are Salomon, Ternua, Millet or La Sportiva. However, they all share some general characteristics. As with all sportswear, sportswear for the trail running They have to be comfortable, so that the run is comfortable. But they must also be suitable for both hot and cold weather. In other words, in cold or windy conditions, clothing should keep you warm and your body warm. However, when the activity is very intense, clothing should not overheat. The following are some of the characteristics that all clothing should have. trail in the mountains must have:
- BreathabilityThe breathability of the garment keeps the body cooler and sweat dries easily.
- CompressionCompression is recommended so that the clothing supports the muscle and protects it from cold and vibrations.
- FoldabilityYou never know when the weather will change in the mountains, so it is essential to carry warm clothing in your rucksack. To make sure that jackets and jumpers take up as little space as possible, it is advisable to take into account their foldability.
- Reflectiveif you regularly run at night in places where cars or bicycles may be passing, reflective clothing will help you to be more visible.
Winter clothing.
In the mountains it is common for it to be cold, rain or hail in all four seasons of the year. That's why you should always have warm clothing in your wardrobe. All sportswear brands offer special winter clothing that is usually thicker and waterproof. The main purpose of this type of clothing is to keep the whole body warm and dry. You may find the following article about the "winter clothes" useful.Worry-free winter running equipment".
Dress the lower trunk.
According to most mountain runners, tights are the best choice for winter. In addition to being comfortable, they protect the runner from injury by supporting the muscles. Tights vary in both thickness and length. The thicker they are, the warmer they are. Length, the meshes can be short, ¾ or long meshes.. The short ones are almost better not to wear in winter. The ¾ length tights reach below the knee, so they also protect the knee joint. The good thing about these tights is that they can be combined with compression stockings. This way the whole leg is protected, and in situations of overheating the heat can be remedied.
A waterproof protective layer may be used if conditions are very extreme. It should always offer breathability. It should only be used in very adverse weather conditions, otherwise you will overheat.
Dress the upper trunk.
In winter and cold weather it is advisable to wear clothes or carry them in your backpack. three layers of clothing:
- First layerIt is recommended that you wear a technical T-shirt that is close to the body, as this is how it works best. It must be breathable. As with the tights, they can be short-sleeved or long-sleeved. It is recommended to wear short sleeves, but with sleeves, as this way you gain versatility.
- Outer layersThese layers can serve as second o third layers. They are warm, long-sleeved jumpers, but still lightweight.
- Windbreakers or waterproof jacketsThe garments currently on sale are suitable for both. These garments are becoming very versatile with an ultra-light weight. It is advisable to pay attention to their foldability so that they make the smallest possible bulge in your backpack. There are thicker and thinner ones so that you can choose the ones that best suit your activity.
In winter it is also advisable to wear various accessories to protect all parts of the body from the cold. The most recommended accessories are hats, gloves, buffs and muffs. So you can stay warm and dry.
Summer clothing.
Although in summer it is also advisable to wear some winter clothing just in case, clothing becomes thinner and cooler to help the skin breathe. With today's materials you will keep your whole body cool and dry during your runs and training sessions.
Dress the lower trunk.
The priorities when choosing trousers in summer are comfort and coolness. Most runners choose between the classic shorts or short tights which are usually quite thin. Choosing one or the other is a matter of taste; however, the advantage of tights is that their compression capacity supports the muscle better. The decision to wear one type or the other depends on the runner's habits and tastes.
Dress the upper trunk.
As mentioned above, you should always carry some extra winter clothing in your backpack. In summer, however, the best running tops are those that are highly breathable. Tastes vary in deciding whether to buy sleeveless or short sleeved tops. However, the key is that the shirt should be lightweight, quick-drying and not have too many seams to avoid chafing. Whether to buy a loose-fitting or tight-fitting T-shirt depends on the runner's tastes; however, if you run long distances, it is possible that if you wear a T-shirt that is too tight, it may cause chafing.
*All purchase prices included in this article are current as of 23/06/2016.
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