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    The Swallows' Route: a journey through the kingdom of the Karst de Larra

    The swallows' route. Txamantxoia in the background
    The swallows' route. Txamantxoia in the background

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    Quick guide to TREKKING SEVERAL DAYS in the Pyrenees
    Quick guide TREKKING SEVERAL DAYS in the Pyrenees

    with everything you need to know before undertaking a multi-stage circular route.

    The Route of the Golondrinas travels through the realm of the Karst: Larra in 4 stages and more than 5,000 metres of elevation gain crossing this area of the western Pyrenees: Belagua, Linza, LescunBearn and Zuberoa. On this route you will have the opportunity to climb the most important peaks of the area: Petrechema, Mesa de los tres reyes, Anie, Lakora, Txamantxoia.

    La Ruta de las Golondrinas will owes its name to the migratory movement of thousands of women from Salamanca, Roncal and Ansotan who were forced to cross the Pyrenees to look for work in Mauleón. (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) and thus have enough money to support their families. As this movement grew and more and more women were encouraged to cross the Pyrenees in search of a better future, the inhabitants of this region decided to nickname these women as "the swallows". And that is how the route that these women took took the same name.

    Likewise, this route, apart from being well known for this migratory movement, also stands out for the great beauty of each of its landscapes and the natural treasures that can be found in each of them. Among the most outstanding points are Belagua, Linza, Lescun, Bearn and Zuberoa, and some of the most important summits of the western Pyrenees, such as, Txamantoxoia, Mesa de los tres Reyes, Anie, Lakora, Pretrechemaamong others.

    Stages of the swallows' route

    The route of the swallows has four stages, each of which can take between 4 and 8 hours to complete, depending on the distance from one stage to the next and the pace at which you walk. Generally, this trek can be done in 5 days in order to walk the places with a little more calm and thus, enjoy the experience much more.

    First stage: Belagua - Linza

    This one goes from Belagua to Linza. Here you can take 2 different paths. The first option is to take the path marked with red and blue waymarks and go along the slope of Txamantoxoia. When you reach Borda Marijuana, turn left and ascend through wide grassy fields until you reach the summit and enjoy the beautiful views. From here you descend along a stretch without a path that leads to the pass of Aztaparreta and from there you can quickly reach Linza.

    In the second option, the route is exactly the same until you reach Borda Marijuana. Only when you have finished descending the grassy fields, take the signposted path that leads to the pass of Maze. From there, you walk until you reach a road that leads to the Linza.

    Linza hut with Ezkaurre mountain in the background
    Linza hut with Ezkaurre mountain in the background

    Second stage: Linza - Lescun

    This route goes from Linza to Lescún. Normally, take the path marked at Linza pass and then take the normal route of Hiru Erregeen Manhaia (Table of the Three Kings). After this route, you can choose between ascending to the summit of the Three Kings' Table and cross the whole Hoya de la Solana to reach the Escoueste pass. Then, the path continues down a steep descent leading to the Lamary BridgeFrom there, cross the bridge and walk 2 km to Borda Trésarricq and the Lamareich bridge. Then cross the bridge to go towards Anapia and Plateau Sanchese. Once there, you can quickly access by track and footpath to Laberouat.

    Stage 3: Lescun - La Pierre Saint Martin

    This stage goes from Lescun to La Pierre Saint Martin. The route starts by ascending the valley that leads to the Cap de la Baich huts and from there it goes on to the col des Anies. The southern slopes of the Pic de Anie and climbs up to its summit, then starts the descent towards Ernaz and from there continues the path to the Pescamou pass. From this pass you descend to the ski slopes, which are quite close to the ski slopes. La Pierre Saint Martin.

    Stage 4: La Pierre Saint Martin - Belagua

    The day starts in La Pierre Saint Martin and ends in Belagua. First of all, the ascent to the Arlás pass Once at this point, the summit can be reached via a fairly steep slope. Then you walk towards the Pescamou pass along the southern slopes of Arlas.

    It then descends towards the Contienda plain and take the direction that leads to the road. Once you reach the road you can take one of the shortcuts available and walk for 2 km to the Ferial. The route continues descending to the plain of Eraiz and then you arrive at to the Ihizkundize mountain pass to start skirting the north face of Lakora in order to access the Arrakogoiti pass. From there, take a waymarked path and descend towards the Sale of Juan Pito and Belagua. Finally, you have to walk 2 km to reach the Rincón de Belagua.

    Route of the swallows. Larra Karst.
    Route of the swallows. Larra Karst.

    Equipment for the swallows' route

    To follow the route of the swallows it is recommended to take a backpack of around 40 litres. With regard to the hiking clothing y hiking equipmentIt is advisable to wear a hat, two mountain trousersone pair of shorts, two changes of underwear, two thermal T-shirts, one short-sleeved T-shirt, gloves, and a waterproof jacket.

    Similarly, it is very important to carry a liner or warm primaloftThe trekking boots, hiking boots, a walking stick, mountain snack, a water bottle to keep you hydrated, sunglasses, sunscreen and lip balm so that you are not affected by the sun.

    In conclusion, it is important to mention that although the route of the swallows It has a duration of 5 days and you have to walk many hours per day, no special physical condition is required to do it. However, it is required that the person who is going to do this route has experience in trekking and the minimum knowledge about mountain orientation.


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