We are looking for this place #154

Let's continue the challenge! Every week we look for a place in the Pyrenees. By observing the photograph and with the help of the clues, are you able to find out which place is the one we are looking for? If you want to take part by sending us a place, you can send us your pictures together with the clues and the solution to the email address travesiapirenaica@gmail.com. Each week we will choose one for publication.

Buscamos este lugar #154:

Un refugio, una central hidroeléctrica, picos afilados, un profundo valle cubierto por la niebla… Bonito lugar el que esta semana nos Patxi Latorre. ¿Sabéis de cual se trata? ¿No? A ver si con las pistas que nos manda podemos sacarlo.


  1. El vallecito se encuentra en la vertiente norte de los Pirineos.
  2. El fondo del mismo está ocupado por una central hidroeléctrica y un refugio que fue, en origen, vivienda de los trabajadores de la misma.
  3. Se accede a él por un sendero labrado a pico, para el acarreo mediante mulas de los tubos de hierro, a través de una vertiginosa garganta.

If you want to know the answer subscribe to the newsletterEvery week we publish the solution and launch a new challenge, do you dare?

The week before:

We are looking for this place #153:

Even in the most crowded places it is enough to take a couple of crossings to be left alone, it doesn't fail!


  1. Although the track below is used by shepherds and hikers, very few continue beyond the end and get these views of the valley from above.
  2. It is located in the Central Pyrenees, a short distance from a certain National Park.
  3. The river that meanders down there is a tributary of the Ara.