Surprises of the less travelled roads

High altitude stories I: Surprises of the less travelled roads

We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the first edition of the competition: High Altitude StoriesWe leave you to enjoy "Surprises of the roads less travelled", by Jadwiga Graczyk.

Surprises of the less travelled roads

-by Jadwiga Graczyk-

I love the solitude in the mountains, it is a feeling of absolute freedom. I first experienced it last year in Villanúa. I hiked alone to the abandoned village of Cenarbe where I spent a long time exploring the ruins surrounded by the exquisite smell of apple blossom. The circular path followed a boring wide track, but suddenly I saw a small turning to the left, marked with two stones, almost imperceptible to the unobservant. As the direction seemed right, I decided to take a chance and explore the path which, to my amazement, led me to an old cemetery with some filigree iron crosses, all the same, all white. I followed the same forest path downwards with a knot of uneasiness in my stomach and at the same time an irresistible adventurous thrill. What a proud feeling to arrive safely at the bottom and land in the right place!