Survival kit: what you need and how to prepare it
When we go out into the natural environment, especially the wilderness, one of the most important issues is to ensure safety. In fact, we regularly publish posts that fit in with this theme, such as: Choosing the best Mountain GPShow to use a map, safe winter mountaineering and more examples. Today we go one step further, we show you some tips about how to make a survival kit to be able to overcome unexpected situations in the middle of nature.
How to prepare a survival kit?
The survival kit is determined by the type of activity to be carried out in nature. The length of time you are going to stay in the wilderness will make it necessary to add more or less materials, however, a basic kit should include as an indispensable item the survival blanket.
The survival blanket consists of a thin silver foil on one side and a gold foil on the other side which, when covered with the blanket, returns the heat reflected by the body. It is particularly useful in extreme situations and accidents. The blankets are reusable, but there are also disposable blankets.
Between the necessary survival gear and equipmentThere is also a small dynamo torch, which has the advantage of not relying on batteries, but is operated by turning a crank or shaking it. It is preferable if it is waterproof, but if this is not possible, it should be kept in a waterproof bag.
The third element that can get you out of a tight spot is a hook, in particular several hooks of different sizes, together with a roll of lineespecially if sport survival is practised. It is true that you cannot use forbidden hunting and fishing techniques, but you can use these activities in accordance with the law. To do so, don't forget your fishing licence.
A heavy-duty coil of rope will also help to improvise a shelter and to deal with all kinds of situations.
Finally, a survival kit is incomplete without a good, sharp, not-too-big knife.
Health and nutrition
So far we have only included safety and security items, without going into two basic aspects: food and first aid. If you want to have peace of mind in the event of injury, don't forget to Band-aids, a bandage, a roll of adhesive tape and alcohol in a plastic bottle.also antihistamines and allergy inhalers.
As a health accessory, it is always a good idea to include a fine sewing needle and a strong needle with thread. In fact, more than just for sewing wounds, it is always practical for repairing clothes, etc.
Turning to the issue of food and security, a flint and a link are a classic fire-starterHowever, you can replace it with matches or a lighter. Smoke signals, flares or a torch are very practical to help in the search for people and to help them locate you in the shortest possible time.
It is likely that if you are forced to spend hours or days in the middle of a mountain, out of place or lost, you will go hungry. To avoid this, carry a little coffee, tea, powdered milk, sugar... something warm for as time goes on. You are also welcome to isotonic drink powder which is mixed with water and helps to restore energy.
Lastly, the freeze-dried food follow the same dynamics. The contents of the bag are poured into water and heated. If you're not a fan of this option, try powdered baby foodwhich is easier to find and cheaper.
How about a commercial survival kit?
The positive aspect of all of these items and equipment is very space-saving and lightweight.. They must be so in order to facilitate their use, as they will sometimes have to be transported over many kilometres and for many hours.
In fact, some advise carry groceries in duplicateThe same items can be stored in a metal box and attached to the belt, but the same items can be included in the rucksack. On the market we can find commercial survival kits which include many of these items.
They are a good bet to get started in this activity, as well as an interesting way to save money. If you choose this option, you will probably have to complete it with some changes. At Northeast ClubThe following guidelines are given to you.
In survival, the key is to remain calm and gain experience. Depending on your knowledge of the terrain, one kit or another will be more or less necessary. Never lose respect for nature, no matter how experienced you are in these matters.. Weather conditions can change suddenly, you may suffer an injury, lose your way or any other incident that may lead you to need help.
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