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    A story for every scar

    High Altitude Stories I: A Story for Every Scar

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    We continue with the publication of the micro-stories of the first edition of the competition: High Altitude StoriesWe leave you to enjoy "A story for every scar", by Laura Molina Ayuso.

    After the great reception of the first edition of the mountain micro-story contest "Relatos de Altura", in which all expectations were exceeded, we are pleased to announce the second edition of the competition.

    A story for every scar

    -by Laura Molina Ayuso-

    That was my first deep scar mark under my skin.

    When I fell, I got up, reset the odometer and took off again. And like everything you dream and fight for, it comes in the end!

    Like a little bird taking flight, I launched myself that 7th of July into the unknown. A world that I felt was mine and at the same time no one else's, that imposed a lot on me and at the same time attracted me.

    Weeks went by and, before I knew it, I was wondering who that girl with the matted hair, dirty clothes and red cheeks was.

    She certainly didn't look the same as she did when she started walking in her new trainers 38 dawns ago.

    And so, the scar that had kept her bedridden for months that summer gave her wings. It was her strength to continue day after day along the Pyrenean path, the voice that told her: Come on, go one step further!

    Don't miss any adventure in the Pyrenees!

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